Freyja 金
Mas HR tetiba bilang, "Indonesia saat ini berada di the ring of fire" and proceeded to talk about how it is because the current increased harsh environmental phenomenons. I wanted to hit him with the "ACTUALLY" but I just talked to myself instead (haha)
Freyja 金
Technically, yes, we are currently in the ring of fire, but I don't think we had ever been not in the ring of fire (haha)
Freyja 金
Ring of fire refers to the "ring" of volcanoes and earthquakes created by subduction of teutonic plates. It's kind of funny calling it a ring when it's not even ring-sized (I know it's called a "belt" alternatively)
Freyja 金
My rambling went from the definition of ring of fire to "this was taught at school" to "oh not everyone learnt science in high school" to "wait, this is geography" to "wait, this was taught to me in middle school" (lmao)
Freyja 金
My mind railed off to "other middle schools had foreign languages or crafts offered as mandatory school-chosen subjects, my middle school chose accounting."
Freyja 金
Middle school me doing accounting in my classroom:
Penulis Cersek
Pantes tiap duduk di lantai kok pantatku panas, ternyata lagi di ring of fire.
Freyja 金
Penulis Cersek : Yes, yes, we are sitting on the ring of fire (lmao)
Freyja 金
evantonky : Semacam penasaran sama snack yang rasa ghost pepper gitu, terakhir makan keripik kentang ghost pepper (haha)
enak sih, pedes pedes maut (haha)
Freyja 金
evantonky : Ntar kapan deh jajan kalau nggak habis minum kopi karena bahaya campur kopi (haha)