I'm Desperate GoFundMe: Fredday Needs To See A Vet -
Donate to Help Fredday See A Vet Before Things Get W...
Fredday's not been well. Please replurk this. I don't use plurk often enough to know enough people here to spread it. I'll be posting this on my twitter as well. It still won't reach enough on my own.
My sister doesn't think I'll get any help, or enough help, but I'm desperate.
I don't think he'll get better without a vet visit. And I'm scared.
I'm not looking for anyone to put themselves into financial issues, but at the very least PLEASE SHARE.
If you can't use GFM:

Support Xinda/Dani on Ko-fi! ❤️.

Paypal: xindasnocturne[@]gmail[.]com
mango diequiri
hope things go well for the little guy
mango diequiri : Thanks so much... ;; He's such a good boy and just. Loves my mom so much. And he means a lot to her, too. Just... I want him to get better and this is the only thing I can currently do...
omg thank you to whoever the anon was that donated $10. I'm going to cry.
mango diequiri
𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒆✨
Hoping the best for the lil guy!
I am also in a similar situation with trying to raise money for my cat's vet bills (weak solidarity high five!) so signal boosted and threw a little cash your way. Good luck, and I mean this sincerely.
emily ✟
Sent a little something as well.
just in case you don't meet your goal, i can't help monetarily but i'd like to make sure you're aware of pethelpfinder, just in case they have anything available that can help you with what you've raised already
Woke up crying when I saw that between Ko-Fi and GFM the goal has reached $165/$1,500. In less than 24 hours, 11-freakin'percent already! Thank you SO MUCH. To everyone that has shared/boosted!

Curdy&Comfy : Oh gosh. I really hope you reach your goal and that your cat ends up all in the positive clear really soon! Let me go look to see so I can replurk yours as well. But gosh. Thank you so much. Ugh I'm going to cry again. THANK YOU. 🥺😭💜
emily ✟ : Thank so much. Truly. Each donation has brought me to tears. I can't put into words how much I appreciate it...
LOVE☆STRUCK : Thank you so much. I'll look into that as well. I was looking at a lot of options and so many were still so out of range or only for "minor" causes. I don't think I found/looked into this one yet. Thank you so much.
60 freakin people have spread this. THANK YOU SO MUCH. It's reached to so many strangers and more replurks. And with each spread there's a chance of help. Thank you.
mango diequiri
\o/ you should post the twitter link too since twitter tends to have bigger reach so ppl can help spread as needed
emily ✟
☆XINDA☆ : You are so welcome. I pray you reach your goal.
mango diequiri : Ahhh, you mean link it here just in case ppl wanna retweet it?
Twitter link for anyone who has a twitter and can retweet it:
💜🌹🦋☆ 𝙓inda☆🦋🌹💜 (slow/behind/ia) (@XindaNobody) on X
emily ✟ : Thank you so much!
Fredday is still showing signs of not needing an immediate emergency, but he's still not okay. I've got things open that I'll call on Monday (closed on weekends) to see if either do payment plans or price checks, but I know most places can only say "we won't know until we see [patient]"
I'm praying/hoping/wishing his things are on the most manageable and not lifelong, but I won't know until he can go to the vet.
This month has been scary and all of you - strangers and friends - have really helped. Thank you.
Here's a peacefully sleeping Fredday in the meanwhile: https://images.plurk.com/4vVq05iODUjEFGikfwnLsK.png https://images.plurk.com/13aTptpOAIYya6UrHTgShH.png
emily ✟
What a sweet mini panther
WHAT A GOOD PANTHER!!!!! Wishing good luck to both of us!!! I love me little void babies <3
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
oh, he's a good void! Stay strong, buddy!
oh what a lovely void
D'aw! He's really is ;; He's such a good boy. And my gosh is he dark. He fits the "staring into the void, and the void stares back" as he's startled me a few times in places I didn't know he was at.
Thanks so much for the well wishes, too ;;
Update Isn't really an update-update. Donations stalled about 48 hours ago and stuck at $220. With the thing I think he has (or one of whichever), I'm hoping we can at least reach the $1,000 goal to at least get an actual visit in with tests.
There's no negative add-ons. He's still eating and not hiding away from us.

But the symptoms are still consistent and scary when they do happen. It leaves me feeling unbelievably hopeless and scared.

I'm really hoping we can get him to a vet and even if they say it's some stupid minor thing that I was overworrying over, I'd rather it than anything else.
And I'd rather him get to a vet BEFORE things get to be worse.
I know it is not ideal, and I am not sure where you are in the world, but have you looked into carecredit? When one of my cats was in a bad way yearsss ago now, I ended up having to open a carecredit account. It's for things like pet emergencies or cosmetic procedures and the like.
its not fun to have to open up a new line of credit, but I had done so in the past due to the fact that it had been an emergency
I will second carecredit. they offer no interest financing if your purchase is over x amount and you can use it a ton of places as well for other inconveniently expensive care. I primarily use mine at my dentist.
𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒆✨
Care Credit has also helped me in the past for vet stuff
care credit allowed my family to get one of our cats rather expensive testing and treatment. it's better to get your cat looked at sooner than later, yeah. and until you take them to the vet you don't really know what they'll find out
I was pretty sure one of my cats had glaucoma, but it turns out she didn't, and I didn't have to pay as much as I thought I would for treatment
if you don't mind, what's going on with him?
聖騎士 : Thank you. I've thought about this, but my mom just entered semi-retirement right before this happened and is looking for a part-time job to cover what SS doesn't cover. I'm not currently bringing any income in, and with that... I doubt CareCredit would accept either of us. I definitely get what you mean +
regarding emergencies, though. My mom had to do that when Covid hit and... it put a lot of debt on us because we had to rely on CC's...
dirtsmell : I was trying to look into the intrest portion, but all of it goes over my head. Thank you for also suggesting this.
𝒄𝒂𝒑𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒔𝒂𝒆✨ : Thanks for everyone vouching for this. It def helps me feel more secure in that.
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒮'𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈🔥 : That's my exact fear. Is it getting /worse/

The fact that most places don't seem to do payment plans (or at least I've yet to find one, but I'll be looking more tomorrow) just... makes it hard.

I'm glad your cat ended up being less for that, though!
StupidSexyV⚠der : I don't mind, I've just been nervous in sharing. He's vomiting. And coughing - primarily. We thought maybe allergies at first with Spring hitting and finding out that cats, like people, can gain allergies they didn't have before - or have them increased. But the coughing to worse today. I was
thinking maybe a humidifier might help, but I know nothing about that, either. I fear it's more asthma or something akin to that, which is why the vet bill would be a min of about $1,000 USD -- without any medication.
My mom and I are/have been doing double checks with plants around the house and the like. Doing more cleaning in hopes that if it's something in the house "hidden" from Winter storage... But I'm not a vet... And my mom's and my health have made things more complicated, financially.
We changed his diet thinking that, at first, it was just his stomach to the food (as this happened some years ago, where he suddenly had to change his diet). But it's not improving.
He's still interactive, not hiding, and things of the positive nature. But the negative things has me fearful constantly.
Okay, gonna step away. I'm on the verge of tears and this is killing me.
oh I can completely understand that fear. I hope its something as simple as heartburn and allergies
StupidSexyV⚠der : It's been going on this month, which is why I'm leaning more towards something more "long term" vs something as simple as allergies. Don't get me wrong. I hope it's "just" allergies. That'd be... such a relief in comparison.
StupidSexyV⚠der : Thank you. Truly.
you're welcome.
I haven't had to deal with a cat who may have asthma, but if you suspect allergies you can give a cat an antihistamine like 5mg Zyrtec. If your cat does have asthma the vet might recommend trying something like prednisone idk. don't know if your cat could have an upper respiratory infection, instead, I'm not sure if coughing is the main symptom
not sure where you live, but if you end up needing something like an inhaler you could try Canada Cloud Pharmacy | Brick & Mortar Online Canadi... for something cheaper than what your vet might have you pay
+1 I used a pill crusher to mix half a zyrtec into my cat's wet food (once a day) for the last four or five years of his life
Coughing makes me think either infection or something with his heart, since that's what my vet warned me to look out for (then again, when you're looking for one thing you see it everywhere LOL so take that with a grain of salt) but if no preliminary heart tests have been done, if nothing more obvious is found, I would recommend that next
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒮'𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈🔥 : Thanks so much for that suggestion! I meant to reply immediately, but I’ve been kind of a mess. He’s now trying OTC allergy meds at 5mg and we’ll see if that’ll have any affect. It’s day 3, so we’ll see… I think coughing is the main symptom. There was vomiting in the beginning – which I thought was from excessive coughing
(which I may’ve been applying personal human experiences there, plus Google). But he’s held down his food the past few days…
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝑒𝓇𝒮'𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒𝓈🔥 : Thank you so much for that link, too! I don’t know if they ship to the ‘states, but I’ll definitely keep that in mind. After you said this, I took a look around and saw that a lot of people suggested doing things like that vs Vet ‘script if it can be helped. Thank you.
👁eyes4days👁‍🗨 : Thanks to you both I’ve been crushing that for him in his wet food, so we’ll see… I know allergy meds can take a few days to work for me, so I’m not sure if it’s immediate with cats?
Curdy&Comfy : That’s… a scary thought. Though that is true. I’m not a vet, and could be looking in the wrong direction… I'll definitely also keep that in mind as a suggestion for a test if necessary.
Update: I’ve made a lot of phone calls, and I’ve got huge phone-anxiety, so it was quite a… workout. Exams alone can be $75 at one place to around $90 at another place. No test. An X-Ray would be $250. None of the places do payment plans. They also
suggested CareCredit. I’ve been making my ‘rounds, but also got a couple places telling me they don’t test for asthma or needed an different type of place… Many which could be 45+ minutes away. He’s only been in a car twice (well, four times – to and from a vet) so. And those were close. I’m not sure how he’d handle a car ride that long.
Obviously it’s a matter of him being taken care of, so that’s… Just me thinking and rambling out of my own anxieties over this whole mess.
He’s still coughing. Some days more than others. Hasn’t vomited in a few days. Didn’t want to eat dry food at all one day, but went back the next. Loose stools for one day and then normal, then loose (I’m thinking that might’ve been when he was eating more wet food than the dry food). Has been normal since - regarding his food.
There’s no eye, nasal discharge – outside of a coughing fit when he sneezes afterwards (I imagine similar to a human with a runny nose after multiple coughing). He has made a wheezing sound once. Or what I think is wheezing – I’m not familiar, so again. I’m not a vet.
It’s one of those where I’d love to just send him to a vet for them to do consultation type, but if they need testing, some places won’t say prices. One said they would, so that’s the one I’m looking at so far.

I’d love to take him to a vet and them brush me off with allergies or something – because then I’d at least know.
My sister who used to work with vetcare (not a vet herself) said to look at a minimum of $1,000 for the tests that they’d run. And I’m seeing that with the phone calls I made. I’m just.

It's totally fine, no need to be sorry! This is a very worrying situation.
about to sleep; Update: As I feared CareCredit rejected my mom's request. Thank to COVID screwing things over, it's likely the cause between that and currently only SS-Retirement while looking for a part time thing... it was worth a shot...
Update: My mom says there /is/ sometimes mucus where he's been laying.

I have not seen any outside of coughing fit lasting long enough to cause it.

Update 2: Nothing positive regarding help, yet.
Got a humidifier in the main room he's in about... I guess 60% of the time, or more depending on what's going on. Hoping that regardless what's wrong with him, it'll help.

Looking at other hold-us-over options while we struggle otherwise.
bumping for a boost... unfortunately, I haven't started my new job yet, so I can't offer more than spreading the word, bumping this plurk, and sending good luck vibes... please take care of yourself, too, as hard as that may be right now... kitty needs his humans to be okay, too
An image I found for some basic info for anyone who comes across this and may be surprised at prices - none are set in stone b/c it always varies per location, but I've confirmed about $250 for an xray, so these images aren't far off - https://images.plurk.com/3d3eV0FrYZAiKFgVrEvy9R.png https://images.plurk.com/5iDIDq3baQxPNwEzEPggp8.png https://images.plurk.com/5smLE1ad6zM2vhAK77sxH0.png
250 for an xray is pretty standard. we were at the evet Sunday night with our boy who now has ass stitches so I completely get it
(For those considering donating/helping, I wrote out my thoughts on prices I've seen alongside images and the like to breakdown)

[Gathered from Google Summaries + Vet Discussions + Vet Sites (they legally can't say w/out seeing him]https://images.plurk.com/33qJ7ou6EtswRHO0vFmm6D.png https://images.plurk.com/1OmbuRVxE82HJzwZYPEkAI.png https://images.plurk.com/7hOkdGTzRQwF2Uirc21Dwn.png https://images.plurk.com/27QFDQDyXDzB1FMG7CoiBx.png
The same but inverted (to attempt a "Dark Mode")
https://images.plurk.com/gRyJ9nPMp8aT8rZPNxup9.png https://images.plurk.com/7F1jZqjgdGNdgUgm4e8SZ3.png https://images.plurk.com/6hNub4Z7hIMeZEIzZClBk1.png https://images.plurk.com/6vmn7jvbUUc2QzkyZf9mKh.png
Curdy&Comfy : Thank you. Truly.
StupidSexyV⚠der : Omg oooww. Okay yeah, that price is just. A lot. A friend was talking about in his neck of the woods his dog needed an X-Ray that costs only $74, so IDK if it's breed + location, but...

More importantly, I hope your boy heals fast! And doesn't do anything to agitate the stitches!
haaaa it a 470 exam because Spicy Boy needed sedated so yeah vet prices are A Lot but yeah it depends on what they are looking at and a lot of things. I hope you can get your boy in soon
Ooof. Yeah. I've seen that the case a lot for cats, even for minor things, due to them not... being as easily to chill like some dogs ;; Ahh.

Thank you so much!! Hope yours doesn't have/need any other extra bad care after this!
Yesterday received an AMAZING GENEROUS DOUBLE DONATION OF $25!! It made me CRY.

After GFM takes out their bits, it'll bring the total of around $269 (It says $280 on the page, but fees and all). Another step T_T! <3 Thank you.
scotty is also. well he's standoffish anyway but at the vet, he swears they are nothing he's seen once in his 13 years
turns completely feral lol
also evet visits are much more than routine visits, like ER vs doctor office
StupidSexyV⚠der : Awww... LOL I think many cats (and animals for that matter!) just get overwhelmed by all the scents going on. Super sterile, no "home", all the other animals that they can still manage to smell... I've seen videos of cats leaping on top of cabinets and hearing that "they're usually so calm..." Until the vet ^^;
And yeaaah. That's also true regarding prices...
Ahhhh it's been so stressful. I've got the "joys" of Depression (among other things) and just. This has definitely made things so much worse. My memory and availability/getting things done has also taken another hit.

So much so, I even forgot to update this May 6th with:
Fredday has officially been in the family for 8 years.

8 years ago today, he was brought in from the rain after our landlord asked if we would take him in (he was a stray and hung around for a few days prior?) if he paid for the neuter/first vet.

Donations on this day, maybe?💜
Vet had said he was like 6-8 months old at the time, so we went for a September birthday.

But yeah. So. Home!Birthday!Family!Day for him!
But! I saw someone donated freakin' $75 and. Lost my mind at whoever donated Seventy-Freakin-Five Dollars to help out. THANK YOU.

Like. Omg.

I keep nearly crying or crying over worrying things. And then. Stuff like that makes me sob into gratefulness. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
My sister updated me on some vet information and just. To be careful. So. Yeah.

She suggests that when we are able to take him, we go to the one that she and I took the kittens we (Mostly I, but it was my mom, sister, and I - since I couldn't be awake 24/7...) fostered to... They were really nice, too. They fit into the estimation prices I
already considered, though. So. Will definitely still need that full amount...

Been using the humidifer for him. When he's couch-sleeping, he's constantly facing towards it... Whether he enjoys the feeling or it's really helping him... I hope both...

He vomited a little today - it's been a few
days since he's done that, so that's... a plus in the sense that it's been a bit, but... that he did it again... and stumbled. Really did remind me of when I'd not be feeling well. But. I need to stop before I over ramble again, haha. Just an update...
yeah our other three are much more chill (and Scotty at 14 pounds got .5 mg of Xanax - about what you'd give a 100-150 human - and still tries to eat the vet so.
we love him but he's extra spicy at the vet
and I hope you get what you need soon
StupidSexyV⚠der : Okay. I know all about Xanax and I had no idea a cat could even GET that amount...! ...and still be that way LoL LOL That's the best description I've ever heard. Hope he's healing well after those stitches! And that they're the disintegrate kind so he doesn't have to go back any time soon! Thank you so much. Truly!
sadly they are not and he goes in Monday to get them out, the skin was too thin and in too mobile an area for the disintegrating kind on the outside (they are on the inside though)

but yeah he's something
don't have energy to update right now. spending the past few hours crying scared over his health. bumping this for good measure.
emily ✟
☆XINDA☆ : Hang in there. Keep bumping. I'll try to keep bumping too. I sent a little more. I pray you get what you need for your baby. I am keeping you in my prayers.
Sending you so much love!!! 💗
emily ✟
StupidSexyV⚠der : I hope that the stitch removal went super smoothly and he was actually super well behaved (...or at least... better)
emily ✟ : You had me literally sobbing all over again. Thank you. Thank you so much. I appreciate it. More than I can express.
Thank you so much Curdy&Comfy :
emily ✟ : thank you!
I'm in super bad headspace, so appreciate all the support - bumping, prayers, thoughts, donations, sharing - all of it.
they did and he's out of the cone and feeling much better
I really hope you can get him to the vet soon.
emily ✟
StupidSexyV⚠der : Super relieved to here that! No more cone of shame! (I can't imagine how a cat is with that... I know dogs hate 'em, so I can't imagine cats)

And I really appreciate it.
Also any donations since the last update has had me curl in on myself in sobs of appreciation.
We were hoping to get him to a vet this morning, but it seems everyone's changed their schedules to not be open on weekends. One place used to be open, but changed in April.
So we'll be looking to see who can take him this week.
Haven't reached the goal, so it's a matter of praying, hoping, wishing - everything that it'll be enough and he'll get the help he needs.
He's still got me on edge and barely able to eat. Going through large spurts of not being able to stomach food myself, to sobbing mess. To calming down to not again.
So here's my bump for the time being.
oh and a picture of him laying here. He used to lay on this couch when he was fine, but it'd been covered up. It was finally free, and he chose to lay on it. My cat, Diamond, decided she wanted to lay with him (does happen, but isn't frequent)
https://images.plurk.com/4tt9KBe7VTlK7RFMFPh1sj.png https://images.plurk.com/4DxxiHbasxJchJrsKYpCKp.png https://images.plurk.com/1KTVDVDCfCFBYpPxkJEhW7.png https://images.plurk.com/7JcPbt1wGaLSPQmAC4Yw2Q.png
'm trying not to let my paranoia and fear overrule, so i wanted to share some pictures of the good boy everyone is helping with his non-blood sister.
good boy
but yeah they mostly hate it because they can't bathe themselves
And considering how neat-freak-cleanly cats are, I can imagine that driving them up the wall.

Again, I'm really happy your boy is free of the cone and doing much better!
yeah that's the big problem. I'm so happy he's back to being his cranky self
emily ✟
Your babies look so precious in the photos.
I love it when cats are like "let me show you affection by putting my butt in your face" it's so cute. I hope you're able to get someone to look at him right away! Just remember you are doing everything you can and take it one step at a time <3
emily ✟
butt to butt too cute.
emily ✟ : Thaaank you~~ ;; Usually my Diamond isn't so fond of cuddles with Fredday, but she'll accept them under cold weather or... conditions like this. I think she's just wanting to comfort him, too, as weird as that may sound?
Curdy&Comfy : LMFAO pretty much. My own cat (the black & white one, Diamond) will practically sit ON ME with her butt in my face until I nudge her away and find nothing wrong with it. Seeing her do it to Fredday is amusing.
And thank you so much for those words Y'all keep making me teary eyed and crying ;;
A vet was called and there's an opening Thursday. An electric bill took all of what was in our bank (it's supposed to be budget billing, but they decided to RAISE their prices and charge us 3x what they normally do), but the GFM is all separate...
So I just gotta hope and pray everything that's in the GFM is enough when he DOES see them Thursday.
(Update: My mom has been job hunting still. Had a lead. Had referrals. Only for the person to not call back and we're back to square one).
Every donation to THIS is just at least giving me some appreciation on the front for Fredday. At least I hope the vet can help him...
I'm still keeping the GFM open, because I know it'll be over $500, and closer to $1,000. I just don't know if they'll need an ultra sound. That's the $300-$600 one that is the main kicker.
That and meds/vaccines/whatever they say he'll need to fix him up...
a drained desperate bump.

my mom's lead for a part time job fell through. There's nothing but the kindness if others right now. Fredday sees someone Thursday unless something happens. we want all tests that CAN be done, but... just bumping this.

Thank you again. so much.

Kofi and PayPal at the top if the thread, too.

In under 24 hours he sees a vet unless they don't have the right equipment. I don't know if he'll be able to get all tests, or help at this point. i won't know more until tomorrow. Thank you thank you!! This is bumpbumpbump
my mom also doesn't want me to go with because of my social and generalized major anxiety. And I get it, but. worry worry worry
emily ✟
I'm keeping you all in my prayers
Thank you so very much.
14 hours or so and counting until he can get whatever tests the money allows for.

Bumping again for any other help that anyone who sees this can do. sharing or otherwise.
He had some downs yesterday. Just him hissing at me when he wasn't feeling well was a once in a handful of times. Back to normal personality hours later, but. This is all scary.
12 hour worried bump.
emily ✟
good luck
emily ✟
Thanks so much you two T_T <3
Gen update b/c I'm a lot of out of focus overwhelmed and relieved and still stressed mixed but:

I'll update this properly after I get myself together, but I was right: he has asthma.

I'll need to update the GFM to accommodate for medication prices and I think he'll need another 2 (min) visits - visits are $88 each.
I'm just. In a whirl of emotions right now, there's the stress of breaking down what'll be needed $$ for other visits, plus medications, but the relief that it's not the worst case scenario.

I'll need to update more later when I can focus.
The boy has asthma like I thought, but after other symptoms popped up which IDK IDK IDK it looked like so much worse and while this is still "bad" because it's a lifelong thing, it's not life ending so long as he gets medication and we monitor things - so long as there's nothing else hidden.
(I tease "the boy" because it's just "I love you, but you worried me LITERALLY sick and unable to eat or do anything!")
emily ✟
I'm glad you have answers and they are on the minor scale!
YAAAAY!!! Like, sad it is a lifelong issue but GREAT that it is a manageable one!!! Once he starts getting the meds he needs, he is gonna feel SO much better
I am so happy for you, and I hope you continue to get help to get him well and staying well!! Sweet Fredday stop causing stress challenge
StupidSexyV⚠der : It's SUCH A RELIEF that there wasn't something so much terribly worse. As long as the meds are working and they don't require additional tests for something "secondary". I'm relieved it was my original guess, even though he scared the living daylights out of me ;;
StupidSexyV⚠der : I can't thank you enough for your countless boosts, support, help, and just. Everything!
Curdy&Comfy : That's my thoughts, too! My brother had asthma growing up and eventually "grew out of it" for the most part and now it only springs up during major flare ups, so it's kind of "ironic" (?) that now Fredday has that
Curdy&Comfy : Thank you so much! LoL Yessss. He really is a good boy. Even as I was a crying mess worried about him, one night he climbed up next to me and purred next to my head and it's like "YOU SILLY BOY, I'M SUPPOSED TO BE COMFORTING YOU!"
Curdy&Comfy : Thank you as well SO MUCH for all the help, boosting, and everything you've done for this! for Fredday. For my mom and I!
I don't know proper GFM etiquette since he still needs to see a vet in two weeks and not sure if he'll need to again. And how much inhaler/meds will cost. My mom's still job hunting and the market apparently sucks no matter what your age is =\ She was told she'd have a set, but then... fell through.
So I'm keeping the GFM open, but will lower it once he sees the vet again so I can get actual guestimate prices for inhaler, steroids, and visit.
Update I posted elsewhere:

I posted an update to the GFM. I'll keep it at $1,500 until June 6th when I'll hopefully know the price of the inhaler and the specific meds he'll need to take for the rest of his life.

My mom is also still struggling in the job hunt, but -- here's what's in the update:

(plus images I posted on GFM update)
Ahh update I forgot to say: He already wanted to play when he came home! Started chasing invisible cat things, but then immediately put himself into an asthma attack. Because... Fredday is Fredday. So it's gonna be a journey as the vet has to see him again to confirm proper permanent medication and I'll price compare for that once I know ;;
you're very welcome!
emily ✟
Oh gosh, you are welcome. I wish only the best for you all. I am keeping you all in my prayers.
StupidSexyV⚠der : 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
emily ✟ : I truly appreciate it! So much.
Update: I haven't said much as it's been a kind of cautious optimism? He goes back to the vet in about 5 and a half hours. I'm not sure if what's left in the GFM will cover - well, I'm not sure WHAT it'll cover, so I gave a list of questions to my mom that I printed out to give to the vet. Hopefully that'll help answer what's needed.
He definitely 100% needs meds forever now, as shown by the way he's picked up and acting more and more like his old self. But, I'm still not sure what the next steps per vet orders are yet. So it's been kind of a haze. Plus some very serious/depressing/personal stuff I'll put in a separate plurk that happened a year ago today is also distracting.
But again. Thank you so much. To every person who ever commented, shared, replurked, gave advice - everything. Thank you. Hopefully the next update will be a nice wrap-up to the mess that made me beyond ill LoL Oh how my sister teased "We love them (cats/furbabies), but they're meant to drive us crazy."
they do mean to drive us crazy
mango diequiri
Good to hear it’s manageable! Hopefully he feels all better very soon
I am so glad things might be looking up!!! Fredday deserves all the love in the world <3
StupidSexyV⚠der : Always worth it in the one hand, but oh my goodness.
mango diequiri : Thanks! He just needs to be on permanent medication now. And has to learn how to use an inhaler. So. Fun!
Curdy&Comfy : Thanks so very much ;; He really does. He's such a good boy.
[Frustrated update I posted on Twitter I'm just going to copy and paste here, because the 6th was a super rough emotional day for me, and now I'm not handling anything well at all ]
Copy and paste:
Vet answered my notes on offband and that it's okay, I guess.

First image is what is prescribed. Says first two weeks try twice a day (1-2 puffs per), but b/c it's chronic and most cats will need twice a day forever. https://images.plurk.com/pqj9w5ijiFenkgfDkYCqn.png
Had to buy from the only site that had the rec'd inhaler. There were cheaper at Amazon, but saw reviews saying that they were usually cheaply made and not worth it. And since it (should) last a lifetime... So rest of Chime (GFM) went to that.
Same site has two options for the medication, which I guess I'll have to ask my mom to talk to the vet about, IDK. There's 3 options. One from the same place, one from another. The "3 inhalers" are the better deal in terms of price.
Second site showed up in google results, and vet did recommend shopping from particular places. So IDK. I'll have to look more later, but right now...

That's not including shipping.

360 doses. 'm not sure if that takes into account 2 sprays per dose or not.
https://images.plurk.com/6vHds5vlkfMFvliRPKhaOy.png https://images.plurk.com/2YvaezrjdCyzr58Y5faqAz.png
So not including shipping, and after talking to the vet, for a year supply looking for another $145, $165, or $240. I think vet said generic is fine, so.

Plus the time it'll take to train him to adapt to having something on his face and trying to find treats that he'll actually accept that won't freak him out or bore him.

So since the GFM has been all
used on Fredday's bills, food change because of that, his bathroom issues that were there during, the steroids, and now the inhaler...
I'll have to adjust the GFM.

Just in case the vet does suggest the $300 one, I'll take what was already put in the GFM and then add $300 and that way I can reduce what's in there. I think that'll be the best route.

Unless someone can direct me on if proper GFM etiquette is
to just create a new one and then have it listed as inhaler + medications for a years worth.

Job market sucks, no one is hiring my mom, he needs meds, and just. Yeah.

I'm just. Really upset.

He's feeling better with what he's on, but once that's gone...
I get it. the food thing will be easier with him breathing better however
Yeah, luckily a cat's sense of smell is the number one thing that makes cats like treats, so the stinkier the better
you can even gently warm wet treats up
sardines in water is my go too
StupidSexyV⚠der : Thanks for all the tips! I watched a few videos and many did involve a lot of liquid type paste or something wet - like you both mentioned: all about that smell, haha.
I have sleep apnea, and use a CPAP - and the mask is ... similar to an inhaler for a cat? Just. Larger. So my mom and I are gonna try to train him on that.
we don't have any money for any treats we don't already have around the house, so we're hoping it'll still be enticing enough.
Curdy&Comfy : Definitely gonna hope that the stuff we have gets his nose going haha.
@xindanobody - 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 I'm Desperate GoFundMe: Fredd...
I made a new plurk for organizational purposes and for what I HOPE will be the last bit of donation request regarding Fredday's current health.
Thank you to everyone who shared here and to anyone who shares the new post.
I shared there, but here's Fredday laying with me for the first time in weeks in my bed while dealing with all of this. He must've sensed my spike of anxiety/stress AND felt well enough to climb up there...
good good!