OMG, Shogun has not disappointed. This last episode had me and the hubs gasping in shock. Don't want to spoil but DAMN. If you're into court intrigue type stuff ala Game of Thrones, this is so up your alley. Also, lots of amazing bad ass female characters don't hurt.
Luke Skywanker
Ohhh I need to start that!
Luke Skywanker : I know you're pretty discerning so I would be curious to hear your take on it!
Luke Skywanker
Oh lord, I have a rep.
Based on the books?
we have enjoyed it so far, we're behind at the moment because Bella has been with us for 3 weeks but we plan to catch up soon
Misha : my understanding is yes.
Dovelove : it definitely gets better and better imo.
Well it was a spectacular series of books, I'm surprised they revived an almost 50 year old book
The mini series from back then was okay
Luke Skywanker
From what I hear, they do a great job with "white guy in Japan" in a way I assume was less well done originally