James Lindsay 「左派是這樣想的: 社會是社會制約(Society is the result of social conditioning)的結果,因此控制社會生產資料將使人類成為帶來左派烏托邦的人。 馬克思稱之為 "實踐的顛倒(the inversion of praxis)"。 奪取政權的行動主義就是 "實踐(praxis)"。」 - 筆記,續下收: 馬克思神學書單筆記
「你會注意到,演講的題目是"如其在下,如此在上(as below, so above,)",這是赫爾墨斯對應原則的後半部分,即"如其在上,故此在下(As above, so below)(實踐的反轉 = inversion of praxis);如其在下,如此在上(as below, so above,)(實踐 = praxis)" 。 這是他們對末日和死亡崇拜的宗教要求。
「維柯的形上學是"verum factum (事實原則)": "真理的標準和規則就是創造真理。因此,我們關於心靈的清晰明確的觀念不能成為心靈本身的標準,更不能成為其他真理的標準。因為心靈在感知自身的同時,並沒有創造自身"。
("The criterion and rule of the true is to have made it. Accordingly, our clear and distinct idea of the mind cannot be a criterion of the mind itself, still less of other truths. For while the mind perceives itself, it does not make itself.")
【The principle of Verum factum】 The principle states that truth is verified through creation or invention and not, as per Descartes, through observation: "The criterion and rule of the true is to have made it.
「身為旁觀者,我提醒大家,"Degrowth(去增長) "中最重要的作品名為 "人類世中的馬克思(Marx in the Anthropocene)",意思是 "人類時代的[馬克思的關連意義]([the relevance of Marx] in the Age of Men)"。 Marx in the Anthropocene Reprint
Il filosofo, storico e giurista Giambattista Vico sviluppò la teoria dei “corsi e ricorsi storici”, secondo cui appunto determinati eventi e avvenimenti vengono ciclicamente riproposti. In altre parole, la storia si ripete sempre.
「維柯認為他的 "新科學 "是 "從神的旨意中推理出來的公民神學(comes to be a civil theology reasoned from divine providence)"。 值得注意的是,黑格爾和馬克思都把他們類似的三位一體、建構主義、辯證體系稱為不朽的 "科學 = science"(Wissenschaft)。
「因此,實踐造就了社會,而實踐的反轉又造就了社會中的人,社會按照"科學(scientific)"的進程,經歷了一個又一個走向公平的階段,而這些階段的現實又是由我們所用的、聲稱自己知道的語言所預示的(and that find their reality prefaced by the language we use to claim to know)。
James Lindsay
社會是社會制約(Society is the result of social conditioning)的結果,因此控制社會生產資料將使人類成為帶來左派烏托邦的人。 馬克思稱之為 "實踐的顛倒(the inversion of praxis)"。 奪取政權的行動主義就是 "實踐(praxis)"。」
筆記,續下收: 馬克思神學 書單筆記
("The criterion and rule of the true is to have made it. Accordingly, our clear and distinct idea of the mind cannot be a criterion of the mind itself, still less of other truths. For while the mind perceives itself, it does not make itself.")
Verum factum:拉丁文:真實的事實
【The principle of Verum factum】
The principle states that truth is verified through creation or invention and not, as per Descartes, through observation: "The criterion and rule of the true is to have made it.
Marx in the Anthropocene Reprint
【Anthropocene 人類世】人類世 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
「維柯論普遍公平(universal equity)時說:「最後一種法學是自然公平(natural equity)法學,它在自由聯邦中自然地統治著,在這種法學中,人們為了各自的特殊利益(而不理解這種利益對所有人都是一樣的),被引導著去指揮普遍的法律/法則(laws)"。
【corsi e ricorsi】
Il filosofo, storico e giurista Giambattista Vico sviluppò la teoria dei “corsi e ricorsi storici”, secondo cui appunto determinati eventi e avvenimenti vengono ciclicamente riproposti. In altre parole, la storia si ripete sempre.
哲學家、歷史學家和法學家詹巴蒂斯塔·維柯(Giambattista Vico)發展了「歷史進程和重現」理論,根據該理論,某些事件和事件會週期性地重新出現。 換句話說,歷史總是會重演。
在這種關係中,可以從語言上對它的認識/已知的知識、透過表達它來創造/實現現實(in which linguistic expression makes reality through what can be known about it)。
科學一詞(中高地德語wizzen[t]schaft = 知識、先驗知識、認可;拉丁語scientia)[1] 指一個時代的人類知識、發現和經驗的整體,它被系統地擴展、收集、保存、教導並傳承。[2]
(The utopia was Marx's and Marcuse's offramp for the cyclical history, which Vico thought eternal.)
理性是 "人的時代 "的特徵,但卻退化為 "反思的野蠻(the barbarism of reflection)"(諷刺的是,批判理論),從而開始了新的循環。
鍊金術 神袐學