Katie Dolatowski, a trans-identifying male convicted of the sexual assault of a child. Dolatowski gained access to a trans-inclusive refuge for women and children in Leeds in 2022 by changing his name and identity documents.
Another case raised in the report is that of a woman who was sexually abused in her teens and wrote to NHS Brighton to request that she had only women care for her. She received a letter from the trust saying: “We consider this to be bigotry.”
民調數據: The People Polling survey found that 72% of the British population believe that women’s support services should state clearly whether they include male people who identify as women, and that 64% believe services should be allowed to exclude males who identify as women from female-only staff.
性犯罪補充: Statistics show that one in five women are victims of sexual assault (or attempted assault) in their lifetime, and that 98% of the adults prosecuted for sexual offences are men.
關於女性受刑人: More than two-thirds of women in prison have experienced domestic abuse, and more than two-thirds of women who are convicted of criminal offences have suffered head injuries, with the overwhelming majority caused in adulthood by male partners.
其他民調: 8 in 10 agree that women who have been the victims of rape, sexual assault or domestic violence should be able to access support in a female-only environment. 80%的人同意性犯罪、家暴受害女性需要存女性空間的支持。
7 in 10 agree that services for women who are victims of rape, sexual assault or domestic violence should state whether they offer a female-only environment or include male people who identify as women.
6 in 10 agree that services for women who are victims of rape, sexual assault or domestic violence, when advertising for female support workers, should be allowed to exclude men who identify as women from applying.
We commissioned this research in part to respond to the narrative advanced during debates about legal gender self-ID: that the women’s sector sees no conflict between women’s rights and the interests of men with transgender identities, and is unaffected by laws allowing people to change their sex as recognised by the state.
In 2018, Stonewall and nfpResearch published a report on trans inclusion in domestic and sexual-violence services. It carried the logos of key women’s-sector organisations and painted a picture of a sector that accepts that “woman” is a term based on self-identity, not biology.
More recently, a group of Scottish NGOs wrote to the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls reprimanding her for intervening in the debate on self-ID in Scotland,
saying: “All rape crisis services in Scotland are inclusive of transwomen and have been for 15 years. In those 15 years, there has not been a single incident of anyone abusing this.”
The Women’s Equality Party adopted a motion supporting the right of transgender people to self-determine their gender and to obtain gender-recognition certificates on that basis, while also reaffirming its support for single-sex services to be provided “as allowed by exemptions under the Equality Act, as long as they do so lawfully”
In December 2022 the Scottish Court of Session declared that sex in the Equality Act means a person’s natal sex, unless they have a gender-recognition certificate.
Biological males who have become “legally female” through the acquisition of a gender-recognition certificate (GRC) can still be excluded from a women-only service provided this is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim.
其實還提到滿多的,像是: Vulnerable female survivors and prisoners self-identifying as men are having their identities unthinkingly confirmed by the institutions meant to be supporting them.
The public-sector equality duty and standards that should protect women’s needs are being used to undermine them. Lack of clarity about the meaning of “woman” turns these instruments into weapons which attack rather than defend single-sex services for women.
It is governors in the male estate saying, ‘We cannot guarantee your safety.’ It’s a supreme irony that, in the next breath, they say they will accommodate transwomen in female prisons with no regard to safety. They assume that women will be more understanding.”
Katie Dolatowski, a trans-identifying male convicted of the sexual assault of a child. Dolatowski gained access to a trans-inclusive refuge for women and children in Leeds in 2022 by changing his name and identity documents.
好耳熟,不就之前那個舍監闖女宿浴室,然後學校說「我們性別平等所以雇用男人沒問題」The People Polling survey found that 72% of the British population believe that women’s support services should state clearly whether they include male people who identify as women, and that 64% believe services should be allowed to exclude males who identify as women from female-only staff.
Statistics show that one in five women are victims of sexual assault (or attempted assault) in their lifetime, and that 98% of the adults prosecuted for sexual offences are men.
More than two-thirds of women in prison have experienced domestic abuse, and more than two-thirds of women who are convicted of criminal offences have suffered head injuries, with the overwhelming majority caused in adulthood by male partners.
8 in 10 agree that women who have been the victims of rape, sexual assault or domestic violence should be able to access support in a female-only environment.
Vulnerable female survivors and prisoners self-identifying as men are having their identities unthinkingly confirmed by the institutions meant to be supporting them.
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