
If you don't follow Mimi Soleil, you're missing out.Mimi Soleil Makes Hilariously Kitschy Pics in Second...
An online workshop on disinformation - also in person in CT.
Info about the new COVID booster vaccine - gift articlehttps://wapo.st/...
Word of the day is catchfart - a perfect word.
This is a fowl Flickr group
Elon Musk just retweeted a Holocaust Denier interviewed by the filth Tucker Carlson.... said it was very interesting.
Wow, this thread on Van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait is amazing.Culture Critic (@Culture_Crit) on X
My first pic on my soon-to-be activated cellphone.
On 8/20/24, some people registered a new domain, kbsf-tv (dot) com. It is not a TV station. But they posted a phony news story purporting to be news. It alleges Harris hit and run a 13yo girl, paralyzing her. It's pretty obviously fake, but folks are sharing. Just so you know.
So, there's a town I have passed through countless times though I don't recall ever stopping there. One of my nieces live there. A picture she shared made me wonder so I looked up the town and found this hilariously false entry at Best Places.
A cat's view of Second Life
The tumor they found went from her kidneys all the way to her chest. A nurse told my brother they found it 15 years too late. (Grain of salt) But she often said she didn't feel well. Of course, she was into quackery & didn't really trust doctors. Understandable give she grew up with the Sathers, too.
So, because I can't resist irony no matter how tragic the circumstance. My niece is an anti-vaxxer. She's into essential oils and other quackery. Here's the ironic bit.She donated her body to science.
She's gone. She was six years younger than me. Her kids are devastated. My brother isn't demonstrative, but I can hear the pain in how quiet his voice is.
I said goodbye to my niece. I told her I was proud of her, proud of all the beauty she gave the world (she is the one who made all those quilts) and proud of her courage. Three times she said "I'm fine." Such a Minnesotan.
I just found out my niece is dying. Not expe ted to live through the night. My brother will call me from her room to say goodbye. How do I stop crying and what do I say? I'm proud of you for giving your body to science?
Timelapse video-political cartoon: Trump at Arlingto...
Congressional testimony in 1914. KellyAnne Conway is part of a long tradition.
Does hilariously bad data visualization crack you up?Mike Fix (@mpfix1) on X
To be fair she really likes laying out in the hammock stargazing at night
New York Times doing GOP dirty work AGAIN and Wes Moore is not currently running for office as he was elected in 2022
Why the New York Times is so awful.New York Times editor Joe Kahn says defending democr...
The New York Times is just evil. This is some "blood and soil" bullshit and Trump has not made that explicit argument. The Nazis made that argument and today's proto-fascists do, but here's the Times mainstreaming the fascist populist argument that the state can only help the people when it limits who the people are.
Just having fun in Second Life makes for great pictu...
I stole this from MrDowning
Oh, wow. My great niece just posted a picture. In the picture, she looks so much like my sister who died I just burst into tears. I have often seen the resemblance, but she's older now, old enough that I remember my sister looking just like that.
Just in case you want to do your DNA...Ancestry is 75% off for a time.AncestryDNA® | DNA Tests for Ethnicity & Genealogy D...
Finally, after 2 months, I write the review. This book has been such a block for me, I should have just quit reading and never tried to review it.Devil Is Fine by John Vercher – Tonstant Weader Revi...
The heading is empty or perhaps blocked by my ad blocker, but this is a great interviewThe Infernal Triangle: The Election Story Nobody Wan...
If you're feeling stressed about the election, may I recommend Scot Nakagawa's Anti-Authoritarian Podcast. It will give you some strategies and hope.