Jack Raid
[fandom] Today the western Precure fandom ganged up on a teenager because she had a shitty take on boys in the franchise. And it’s made me realize that I need to fucking stop exposing myself to this shit and start curating my fandom experience.
Jack Raid
Today was also the day that someone asked me what I got from interacting with fandom beyond my friend group because it kept making me frustrated. And that is honestly a good fucking question.
Jack Raid
I keep getting my nerves rattled because of controversies over something I care about. It has to stop. It has to fucking stop and I have to be serious about it this time.
Jack Raid
I no longer wish to be adjacent to this kind of activity. Fandom has become part of my identity and whenever someone is shitty about it I just. Take it personally or care too much.
Jack Raid
How do I do that? How do the rest of you do that? I’m at my fucking limit
expired milk
I don't know. I try not to look unless I know I'm prepared, but even then I get frustrated. Usually I just watch things and then gush to my friends about them.
expired milk
I somehow missed this specific incident, but people having bad opinions about the existence of male Precure characters is unfortunately perennial.
honestly, not using twitter is the best best- but it can be hard when a lot of fandom activity is there
Jack Raid
expired milk : the problem isn’t someone had a bad take. The problem is the person with a bad take was thirteen but the fandom decided to gang up on them anyway
I'll see stuff being spewed, but I just. Write it off to loud, toxic voices and move on.
expired milk
Ugh, yeah, that sucks.
Jack Raid
Ken : I think I’ve lost how to do that. So it’s best I just try to cut it out of my life
Jack Raid
The people whose opinions I care about re: fandom are all here. I don’t NEED this shit anymore
Season Three
I just don't look at fandom outside of what my friends link me, that's how I've done it.
yeah, I basically stepped out of fandom entirely outside of, like... what I create and what my friends talk about? like, most of my fandom contact is through DWRP at this point.

and I am much happier for it
this is despite the fact that, as you may have noticed, i am a fandom gremlin who cannot shut up about my fannish fixations, either online or IRL. sometimes i am a little sad about not being fully IN the fandoms i'm in, but then I think about it and I'm like. yeah. nah. i'm good.
🍉 catipede
personally fandoms don't really matter to me so I'm 100% an outlier, part of what helped me with that (beyond self isolation) was not so much curating or creating an echo chamber, but consuming different things and focusing on my own stories and such. it's much, MUCH easier said than done for some people though
this was probably easier for me because I don't really have other social media (besides Facebook which doesn't count) but I didn't find it that hard to disengage once I started moving away from Tumblr tbh
Yeah I just miss out on stuff
Jack Raid
I’m just thinking I have to take drastic measures and start blocking shit because like? This isn’t the first time I’ve made this resolution
there's a lot of fandom I don't get to experience, but that's fine
might also help to step back and be like: hey, what do I actually want out of fandom? is there a way to get this without All That Other Junk?

like. is it community? is it conversation? is it debate? is it art and writing? is it (as it is for me) the opportunity to write several dissertations a week of unrequested meta?
Jack Raid
I’ve done it multiple times
Jack Raid
Thing is, Jormy, I like a good debate
I'll look up fanart on pixiv because the comments are really mild 99% of the time
Jack Raid
But no one understands nuance it feels like. Including me sometimes
🍉 catipede
another good thing to keep in mind is, "if I cared about the opinion about (x) I'd ask someone I respect" being basically a life saver
can you keep the debate to plurks, maybe? or a similar friends-based network?
🍉 catipede
it helps to have friends to know when to tell you you're out of line / aren't just yes-men
(idk if plurk is part of the issue tbf)
Jack Raid
Plurk is a good place
like, I've seen you host a lot of debates here - maybe that could scratch the itch enough to shift focus?
Jack Raid
Anyone who takes stuff too far I remove or block
Jack Raid
That’s the thing though Jormy
(because, yeah, I too love a good debate lol)
Jack Raid
The debates I start here are usually responses to shit I see elsewhere
that seems like it might be a place to start? trying to find debates that aren't responses to existing fandom, but are maybe about the canon or news about it?
Jack Raid
Jack Raid
But ya see why I think I need to just cut access to certain spaces right
because I can see how that could (not saying that it has) become a feedback loop that encourages you to find More Fandom Drama
and yeah I do
and I honestly think it's a good idea
like I said, I found that cutting out tumblr (years ago now) made it WAY easier for me to engage with fan stuff on my own terms
yarn witch
yeah i just dodge a lot of stuff tied to a lot of fandoms i'm in and focus in on what works for me. 100% curating and knowing what i do and don't have energy for about [show/thing here]
(which was kind of an accident, I got locked out of my account rather than it being an Active Step In Self-Improvement, but still)
Jack Raid
Then it’s settled. I’m just gonna stop with twitter
hope it works out!
yarn witch
hope that works out! i left it alone months ago and i don't miss it.
Jack Raid
https://images.plurk.com/6ACMuIsmkWq9j47pSiYdFh.png it’s done
Dr. Min▲zuki
honestly quitting twitter is probably a good idea anyway for a multitude of reasons
you share fandoms with enough friends here too that even just hosting like. every weekend putting up a plurk that says PEOPLE TALK ABOUT THIS WEEK'S PRECURE EP HERE could possibly get you a curated experience where it's all friends discussing a thing you like?
or something like that
Jack Raid
Yeah that’s a good idea
like i've been considering just putting up a dumping ground for sherlock & co Thoughts every tuesday because i keep having them and i'm curious what the like. two other people on my timeline i know who are also listening to that podcast enjoyed each week
it might also be fun to do asynchronous anime club or something like that where every season you put up a poll of like 3-4 shows you wouldn't mind seeing and we all vote and then we do a not-quite-livewatch of one of the seasonal animu
i don't have my eye on any 1 anime in particular for the season that just started but if i had people to talk about it with maybe that would change
if you're looking for the social aspect, i'm just spitballing
Jack Raid
Hm. I’ll hav to think about it
Jack Raid
Sorry I’m a bit distracted rn
yeah i agree with everyone else that the best way to do it is to simply stop engaging in fandom spaces outside of your own small curated bubble (plurk, for me)
go cold turkey on it, completely cut yourself off from engaging with fandom spaces for a few weeks
(outside of your plurk list or close friend circles)
basically let your brain detox from whatever reward cycle you're getting out of engaging in that stuff
we can sometimes grow this sort of addiction to anger, whether that's being angry that someone is wrong on the internet or it's righteous indignation at a real injustice, and it leads to us seeking out things to be mad about and purposefully putting ourselves in situations that we might get to feel mad about
(like starting a debate with someone that you know is going to disagree and probably not reasonably or politely, giving you an excuse to be mad at them)
and maybe it's not anger for you specifically, maybe it's some other kind of dopamine hit, but either way it's a good idea to detox yourself from that and reset your brain's reward cycle
Jack Raid
Bad news: having Twitter withdrawals
Jack Raid
The dopamine hit of seeing a cool meme or fan art is gone
yeah that's how it get ya
Jack Raid
So I go to tumblr instead which is definitely free of discourse
Jack Raid
I’m a fucking genius
at least tumblr is a little better usually. cant say for this fandom specificly tho
Jack Raid
It’s not a particular fandom it’s just scanning my timeline
Jack Raid
Err dashboard
lmao just stick to art and do not read text posts if you see them
Jack Raid
Good idea