Doing a post-cat cleanup over the next few days. The water tanks have been emptied and the bowls have been washed.
Natalie 🏳️‍🌈
It’s never easy...
Natalie 🏳️‍🌈 : We've already started looking at what the local animal shelters have available. Not that we'll adopt right away - we're thinking March - but it just feels so wrong to not have a cat in the house.
Natalie 🏳️‍🌈
Meg : you’ll be ready when you’re ready. And getting a new cat does not dull the memory of cats past, just means you have another cat who needs a second chance
Natalie 🏳️‍🌈 : My husband has joked about casting the "summon cat" spell. Of the 8 cats we've had together, four of them showed up and asked to be part of the family. Everyone else was adopted from a shelter or from a friend who rescued the mama. I told my husband to make sure he doesn't cast the "summon kitten" spell by mistake.
All our previous cats, we'd raised from kittenhood. I don't think I have it in me to raise any more kittens. Besides, older cats are harder to place but need just as much love.
Free Star🌟💫🔥
whoever ends up with you will be a lucky kitty
Stereo Nacht
Meg : That's pretty much how I got mine. Not quite a "summon cat", but an "entice cat" spell. There have been some cats going around my place. I opened the door, and my Onyx came in. She showed me lots of love today! :-)
Cat Distribution System....