I can’t...I miss her so much💚
I know the day is coming some day but I never thought it’s gonna be so soon😭
I already started to miss Miss Pomu Rainpuff even she’s not gone yet
I can’t even finish the song DCL after I heard of her graduation announcement🥹
I always stop at her phrase: ”Your fire sparked the passion that keeps burning. Magic that helps me to believe”, and then start crying uglily😭😭😭
and I can’t get rid of her taiga chant voice every time I heard the song this makes me even sadder😭
she’s always so energetic and passionate about the things that she wanna do and what she likes
She has done so many crazy projects and encouraged so many people including me
Now who is going to guide me through the night after she’s gone 🥹? I just can’t take it rn😭