Wayward Haze
[2023] It is once again that time of year when I ask you all how to do the lot draw emote. And the first time I've done an Art Review! https://images.plurk.com/uzadtG3xq7liWNrYyPzEL.png
[draw] but swap the brackets for parenthesis
Wayward Haze
THank youuuu
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
A small fortune is totally acceptable
Wayward Haze
Even with all the things that went ass-backwards, upside down, and FUBAR'd this year ... I'm grateful for it. Because it taught me I can handle anything that comes at me and that I can still make the life I want while I'm doing it
Wayward Haze
There are so many things in this life that I love doing, and so many amazing communities that I'm part of now: this one, the art collective I've joined, the Playhouse ... The world is still full of beautiful people and incredible things, and in the midst of everything that got thrown my way, having those reminders made all the difference in the world.
Wayward Haze
So if you're seeing this tonight, thank you for being one of those reminders, a light and a fantastic presence in the world. Don't stop being yourself.
lol me too. I can't remember how to do it either
Wayward Haze
Tomorrow we're going to clean out our basement storage, but after that is done, I am getting back Into Things here. :-)
ɢʜᴏsᴛ ᴍᴀx
Aaa, Gideon! 💕
Wayward Haze
ɢʜᴏsᴛ ᴍᴀx : I love her, she's the best-worst