emily ✟
Today was a big step forward with Oreo. He/she walked close to me while putting down a plate of food, and did a little meow. Last night Oreo got close as well, but not as close as today. Also meowed last night. https://images.plurk.com/4CCAT9hXfbEnejgshncpRW.jpg
emily ✟
This photo of Oreo is from November 20203, but that is my Oreo.
emily ✟
Oh, I think that is great progress. Maybe even to the point of petting at some point soon. Oh, that would be great!
emily ✟
My heart feels so happy.
emily ✟
I fed Lilo as well.
emily ✟
She was walking away, and I called out to her over the ring speaker and she turned around and came back.
Q Tsuki-Neko🌙😼
As someone who have been taming strays for as long as I can remember, I'm so happy for you, emmiie
emily ✟
So one of two things happned. She is hungry and didn't care if i called her, just that I am awake and she wants to eat lol. Or she indeed understand her name Lilo.
emily ✟
Q Tsuki-Neko🌙😼 : Thank you so much. I appreciate that. It really warms my heart that they know I love them and only want to take care of them. And thank you for all you do for your furbabies.
Q Tsuki-Neko🌙😼
emmiie: The cattos love and appreciate you too. (flower) (flower) (flower)
Very nice!
How wonderful about Oreo and Lilo!