Also I do not understand some things. Lots of Republicans want to do their state stuff and not any federal interference. So go protect your bit of border yourself.
Oh you want MONEY that you then can funnel into your own pockets, how did I forget about that ...
Skip Z
Tillie : Repubs have morphed in trumpists/neo-liberals (as they are known anywhere but the US)
Stereo Nacht
No, no. It's not just that they want the money. What they want is to get Biden out, and will throw every and all accusations against him, hoping something will stick.
Stereo Nacht
Then they can have their "tough on crime" criminal in the White House again. They they can ban all abortions over the whole country. That will teach the "Woke". (eyeroll)
Skip Z : Neo-liberal how? [headtilt]
Stereo Nacht
Neo-liberalism is one of the doctrines that incite to leave businesses do their own things without state intervention. It has nothing to do with social liberalism. Neoliberalism - Wikipedia
I for one am grateful that some other ideology is being blamed for this mess! I have always been fairly conservative, but when the preachers and grifters co-opted the term in the 90s it became poisonous
neo-conservatives are anything but conservative. They are nosing into people's bedrooms, trying to legislate morality, everything a true conservative opposes
Neoliberal is a much more apt term for them
Stereo Nacht
"Neo-conservatives" are not about being conservative, it's about going back to a time that never truly was. Their own version of utopia where Daddy is always right, women know their places, where gays can be sent to jail for being gay... But they cpmveziently forget all the things that didn't work.
Stereo Nacht
Basically, they want the freedom to hate everyone who is different; it's a reactionary movement against all social progress made in the past 50 years.
Stereo Nacht : Exactly so
TY for the terse clarification. It's always baffled me.
Skip Z
Corgi : In the US they would call themselves conservatives and for a while neo-cons! The conservative elite, morbidly rich oligarchs is MY best description.
Skip Z