Solid Snake would have been tested constantly for multiple competencies. He had the completion codes to the "cube pattern game" locked down in his long-term memory before puberty.
Uchiha Sasuke fastidiously took the puzzle apart to understand the basic mechanics and movement limitations. After a week of planning out the precise method of his attack, he solves the cube for the first time in less than four minutes (Sakura kindly timed it.)
Naruto solved his cube by accident the first hour he had it. Naruto uses the cube as a fidget toy and often looks down to realize he's solved it again while he's been distracted.
Tim Drake teethed himself on Rubix as a toddler. These days, if he's working a particularly tricky case, he'll mindlessly fidget with an an advanced model and leave his brain to connect errant threads as his fingers work mechanically to set the puzzle straight.
Naruto solved his cube by accident the first hour he had it. Naruto uses the cube as a fidget toy and often looks down to realize he's solved it again while he's been distracted.