dark gathering!
how did yayoi get so much knowledge about that god anyway? her knowing the healing power in particular was kinda unusual? (aha)
- Remember Yayoi took down a god before. The gods probably have set abilities and Yayoi concluded that Ai's god is like the previous one but it's way stronger.
- That's one heck of a plan Yayoi came up with. Making the god receive damage to himself is quite devilish xD
- Poor Ai, that's totally a Nightmare.
- Eiko that's over surveillance
- Nice that Keitaro came up with that deployment system, it's a pain to wrap them up after use xD
- Suicide Ghost is the only one without the seals xD
- It's going to take awhile for S2 to come out since there's not enough material for another 25 ep run and new chapter release every month.
- Sad that it ended, it's definitely one of my favorite shows this 2023.
-hmm... i see. so all those set abilities are based on the god she fought before. (thinking)
-not only that but putting a curse on the entire kyoto is crazy! xD
-yeah, the symbolism feels similar ro being replaced? (aha)
-eiko's specialty at work.
-yeah, putting them in automated cages like that is much better instead of manually wrapping them everytime
-yep, H castle ruins ghost is probably the nicest ghost of the bunch~
-just checked and yep, it's too close to the current arc in the manga. (thinking)
-i rarely follow shows this long but this one of those few shows that kept me in suspense every week
- Despite their brief encounter with Ai's god she already assessed it's way stronger than the previous one she took down.
- Sidequests before the main one ahoy!
- She might lose her individuality once she's part of the harem
- She's easy to please with the meals compared to the others who are outright too volatile or hostile (esp Oiran).
- Might take 2-3 years or so for another season assuming its the final arc after Kyoto.
- It's a well adapted show, the pacing is on point and the serious/comedy parts are balanced.
- Forgot to mention that Keitaro finally took part of the final "LET'S GHOOST" (LOL)
- and Shami & her freaking ninja exorcist army
-hmm... i see. (aha)
-in other animes, Kyoto sidertlrips are usually fun to watch. not in this one haha! xD
-yep, looks like she'll assimilate into the harem becoming a faceless slave. D:
-yep. she is originally a good spirit after all.
-looks like the problems with the replaced will be dealt with in season 3 (if they ever make one)
-yep, I like how each spirit gets enough screentime but not taking too long to resolve.
-he finally joins in on the Let's GHOST! (haha)
-it's war now! (LOL)