Autobot Abubot
Netflix' Ghost Fighter! (Possible SPOILERS)
Autobot Abubot
Autobot Abubot
- The fact that they spent the time to really establish the lead and his relationships
- Strong performance of lead actor
- Great fight choreography, cinematography, and editing - Even watching it at 1.5x speed, you still get the sense of geography and progression of the fights
- The fact that Eugune and Alfed still get their ass kicked hard
Autobot Abubot
- Some great set pieces in the first episodes to hook you, and short cold opens in succeeding episodes that do the same
- How they quickly establish the characters' motivations, and the stakes of the through story
- A minimum amount of exposition
Autobot Abubot
- I remember the original anime being one of those that took FOREVER to get anywhere - Having the first 25 episodes of the cartoon compressed into 5 episodes is amazing for anyone who doesn't want to sink in that kind of time!
Autobot Abubot
- Some really janky CGI, like the lake to Master Jericho's island, Taguro's power ups, or anytime his kuya is on the screen. There's also a bit of the Matrix Reloaded or Blade 2 uncanny valley in the later fight scenes, but I still fell they still rock. There's actually less of that disconnect because they're jumping constantly between practical and CG.
Autobot Abubot
- Really spotty costume choices; Eugene, Alfred, Charlene, and Master Jericho sell it, but Dennis and Vincent's costumes don't look lived in at the start. Dennis' wig is just terrible (no other word for it) and I'm not sure if but Vincent's thrid eye practical, but it also threw off my suspension of disbelief
Autobot Abubot
- Some of them look way too old - Especially Jenny and Vincent (but then I'll take older actors over bad ones any day)
- The fact that the Darkness Mirror looks like an evil iPad
- Not exactly a con, but had to look up the fact that Master Jeremiah was in fact a woman in the original series and the Filipino dub just got it confused
Autobot Abubot
- Speaking of Master Jeremiah, I don't think they spent enough time on the training montage, or established that relationship well enough for the final fight comeback to pay off
Autobot Abubot
Best bits
- Eugene's funeral
- The first time Eugene uses his Spirit Gun
- The moment Eugene and Alfred become friends
- When Alfred finally channels his Spirit Energy
- The first meeting of Vincent and Eugene
- When Jenny takes that dude to the floor and chokes him out
- The scene where Alfred meets Mikaela
I liked it too! Watched it with Tagalog dubs as well and although it wasn’t really perfect, it just felt... right... in a way?
Autobot Abubot
Larry : there's a Tagalog dub?!
Autobot Abubot
Do they use the real names?!
Autobot Abubot
I was just replacing them in my head the whole time!
Autobot Abubot : OH YES THERE IS. But no they don't use the Pinoy names from the anime
Autobot Abubot
But the Tagalog dub is a MEH! Compared to the ones you saw on dubbed anime version
Autobot Abubot
H1d3o : So they didn't hire the same people I take it? That's sad.
They had the same lifeless robotic delivery from the anime. That was good enough for me. Saka yun nga, nagmumura sila dito (haha)
Autobot Abubot : Yup! Different people right now. The rest of OG Filipino cast dubbers already have move on to new gigs / projects. And the OG voice of Taguro the elder has already moved on and go overseas