In “Killers of the Flower Moon”... The language you hear is taught by Osage Nation Language Teachers. The traditional Wahzhazhe clothing you see is made by Osage artists. The landscape is the Osage Nation Reservation.
WE ARE NOT RELICS | The Osage Nation is thriving on our Reservation in Northeast Oklahoma - a people of strength, hope, and passion, honoring the stories of the past and building the world of the future. We are Wahzhazhe Always. 𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟𐓯𐓪͘𐓯𐓪͘𐓷𐓟wahzhazhealways
My color
前兩張是官方好看的,最後一張是在IG上有追蹤的一位海報設計Aleksander Walijewski 太好看了好喜歡必須推><
The language you hear is taught by Osage Nation Language Teachers.
The traditional Wahzhazhe clothing you see is made by Osage artists.
The landscape is the Osage Nation Reservation.
We are Wahzhazhe Always. 𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟𐓯𐓪͘𐓯𐓪͘𐓷𐓟 wahzhazhealways
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