Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
I'm forced to be in the same room as Dad and he's still harping on the same thing and I literally agree with him and GET IT SHUUUUUT UUUUUP
this was why I ran away a lot
he needs to get back in therapy
Pumpqueen Fall
oh I see
I take it things escalated?
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
He and Mom are sucking my energy like vampires D;
Pumpqueen Fall
They keep trying to make me do things and I'm just begging to be left alone
Pumpqueen Fall
He put his laptop away because it was bugging mom so his solution to this??? Make me do all that he would have been
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Fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Pumpqueen Fall
Dad: Roll 5 6 sideds
CC: No
Dad: D:< Do it
CC: do it yourself
Dad: Mom made me put the laptop away
CC: I'm tired
Dad: You just got up
CC: yeaaaaaaah you noticed -_-'
Pumpqueen Fall
CC: Try your phone. https://random.org
Dad: How do I get 5 6 sideds?
CC: You don't. You do 1-6 5 times good luck
CC: Now you get it
Pumpqueen Fall
mind you
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Numbers don't fuck him up as much as me
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Not to mention literally talking hurts, having to process sound? hurts
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Mom is like "I need you to deal with Robbie" no specifics, just vagueries -_-' Dad is telling her to go to bed but she won't until he's fed, meanwhile she's not even able to get food because she's so out of it
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Oh good they finally understood I'm shredded and questions are pain I have done my best I'm out
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ahahahahahahah short lived
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then they decided to do banking
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for some unknown fucking reason
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I'd go back to bed but yanno food (doh)
When are you justified to tell them to leave you alone? I left out the curse words here
Do we need to organize a jailbreak?
Pumpqueen Fall
I did (LOL) But it was moot. Dad shredded himself just trying to do what he kept fobbing off on me and then Mom is crying because wahhhh he's exhausted :|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
I would make tea bread but >>; barely able to move at all
Pumpqueen Fall
oh no I'm too tired for news welp
Watch Love Is War
Pumpqueen Fall
Paul Desmond ~ Nuages
I feel better
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I can't. if I'm too tired for news, I'm too tired for ANYTHING but later
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whats the matter, my little pudge pot?
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his shit's so loud it woke me up. Again. Is what it is. No one can hear me when I'm trying my best. He doesn't recognize he's shredding me/Moosey but demands we all tiptoe to not shred him I hate this x infinity I want to be back in NY where I belong
Pumpqueen Fall
Don't call me that :T
puddin pop
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And this time I can't even say I was just ravenous
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I had my sandwich :3
was it good?
Pumpqueen Fall
And Mom keeps making me take off my headphones to repeat herself driving me crazy
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The best I've had in years
is there a space you can use as your own?
didn't your grandmother have a sewing room
or, if you can somehow keep your grandfather's study not your sleep space, you can hang out in there
Pumpqueen Fall
iirc the problem was tea and food but yeah fucking maybe. IDK I can't even handle the stairs right now but neither can he definitely. So It's the best of bad options
Pumpqueen Fall
as it is I'm bruising the shit out of my legs/shoulder with posture
Pumpqueen Fall
I can't do my normal hedonist bot
what do you have to do?
Pumpqueen Fall
either bruise the shit out of shoulder or legs
Pumpqueen Fall
If I'm down it's shoulder. If I'm up, it's legs
your grandfather's couch bruises you?
Pumpqueen Fall
the upstairs loveseat ya
but what about the study?
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Pumpqueen Fall
I haven't tried yet on account of stairs
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and tea
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and starving
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the office room is generally off limits because hellbeast but there's also no futon anymore so def. should try basement
Pumpqueen Fall
def. good idea thank you
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
for your well being
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
He went back to bed because I was bullying him >> All I did was try to mitigate Mom draining his energy \:|/ I am literally just "yo I fucking tried. You got mad that we weren't stopping this, so I'm once again on strike"
Pumpqueen Fall
And literally by that I mean "Mom was trying to talk about Maine finances (since our travel budget is obviously blown on this mayhem) and he wasn't getting it and stopped watching his show and wasn't getting it, so I short handed it and he overreacted that I was sO lOuD" I wasn't. I was not even 1/100th. I was annoyed by this because the whole fucking day
Pumpqueen Fall
no one has heard me at all so all I did was cut through Mom repeating herself
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But he's used to having his own room where he's LOUD AS FUCK
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and no one is around
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so he can do whatever and it doesn't affect anyone else
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And he doesn't have to be in Mom/mine/Moosey's space
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And he doesn't get that he can't make US magically conform to his typical nonexistence
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lol Moosey straight up told Mom the same thing I did
oh boy
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Pumpqueen Fall
Mom starting to realize she's insane
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i thought the insane can't realize they're insane
Pumpqueen Fall
So today she's had me take off/put Robbie's vest, leash, and/or Hold him as long as possible 5 fucking times
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Which doesn't seem like a lot until you factor in
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I've been asleep 20 of 24 hours, she wasn't HERE she was in Worcester and back to school street
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so it's definitely a lot
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the recent one: "I told you not to take off the leash D:" CC: :\\\\\\ You literally did. I even asked 3 times, and you insisted I do both
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It is that so veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry much
Pumpqueen Fall
ahahahahaahah I lost popcorn down my shirt and I couldnt' find it (somehow it got under my boobs O_O) and getting them tickled which I am telling you to tickle you too
Pumpqueen Fall
I basically figured she was "punishing" me for telling her not to leave his long leash on because he could scrape the floors with it and it already broke at Wishbone etc.
that kernel had the time of its life
Pumpqueen Fall
hahahahahahaha :|||||
Pumpqueen Fall
Mom: Dad wants to be social but we have to negotiate so that we're not at each other's throats
though i guess i'm a special kind of insane. Part of me was titillated but part of me was bothered by the inevitable crumbs, salt and butter you scattered over your front
Pumpqueen Fall
There was none surprisingly
Pumpqueen Fall
Sugar Tits can't make its return
silly CC, there's more than meets the eye
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Pumpqueen Fall
Like I said
https://images.plurk.com/1cIwGoUumRMv0KJwZtul1Q.jpg ah, stay naiive, that's okay. humanity underestimates it's potential to create micro messes. but not me, everyone else is crazy except me
yes, they are the crazy ones...
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
She was talking about random shit they put next to storage pod at the house and this includes soda cans
Pumpqueen Fall
I THINK they are hers
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Which bothers me greatly
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Pumpqueen Fall
I get that we had priorities
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and I get that they couldn't do anything with her stuff
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but it just makes me want to shake her violently
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Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
I'm genuinely hysterically laughing
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there's no greater picture you can hear
Pumpqueen Fall
it's true
it goes to show how great the Peter Jackson films are
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Pumpqueen Fall
/pulls cheek
Pumpqueen Fall
How much would I have to pay you for sifting / abolishing her hoard? (LOL) she's acknowledged she doesn't want 99% of it but
https://images.plurk.com/3ZdamuKaCkfmp3AOaYRbO8.jpg if I had free reign to call down exterminatus as the Emperor wills it?
Pumpqueen Fall
100% It'll be after we get back to school street and then we'll send her to my grandparents again for the weekend and it'll be before spring and Grandparent's return
https://images.plurk.com/6ICkHdBoXHCDSwczvdMnii.jpg do you absolve me of all responsibility if she comes back and doesn't like what she finds (or doesn't find)?
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
though again, it'd be after we get back there so she generally will have to do -some- basic sifting herself and determining "oh hay all this is trash :VVVV"
Pumpqueen Fall
but yes even Mom would agree to those terms. She just can't handle the memory and lack thereof and so on
Pumpqueen Fall
but she also knows / trusts you to be smart enough not to throw away birth certificates etc. which we cannot say for herself
she can sift all she'd like before I get there, it won't make any difference...
Pumpqueen Fall
(LOL) ikr
"trusts" me, or underestimates me
Pumpqueen Fall
\:|/ I don't think she underestimates you but at this point I don't care
Pumpqueen Fall
I think she kind of also
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realizes you might be more inclined than not to get rid of eeeeeeeeeeeeeverything because she broke your model and less is better
Pumpqueen Fall
but she's got 2 years at BEST before Dad gets his cure and just starts going through it with a plow
revenge has nothing to do with it
Pumpqueen Fall
(LOL) see then she def. doesn't underestimate you
Pumpqueen Fall
as it is
Pumpqueen Fall
MOST Of her clothes might be fucked from the mice/flooding/whatever the fuck
Pumpqueen Fall
so she gets to take what she likes of mine and I get to figure it out from here because she hates clothes shopping (not that I like it but I'm more willing to do it)
clothes are easy to get, as long as one doesn't care what they look like
Pumpqueen Fall
lol yeah
i think that's the one advantage these days. cheap clothes are everywhere and sometimes even free. It's like, everything else that is expensive
so, yes, you came to me knowing what quality of services I offer, as long as you keep the Gollum off my back
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Probably post-Christmas though
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ugh my head
and I only accept only one form of currency
Pumpqueen Fall
it's not dust bunnies
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
My face is on fire again. Fuck.
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I wonder why
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Something to do with migraines
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blood flow? (thinking)
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I have nothing helpful to contribute but "oy gevult"
Do you mind if I keep you from getting rid of some things?
Pumpqueen Fall I was trying to help her find her daily meds in her cell phone bag and we had a conversation that literally went like this.
Moosey: Ugh I can't find it, there's all this stuff in here...
Mom: I'm sorry but can you keep looking? I need to drive.
Moosey: Hang on... is this... Mom there's a rock in your bag?
Mom: Well it's a very pretty rock.
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
And you want to save this shit??????????????????
Pumpqueen Fall
Mom: This is your best cord?
CC: Yeah, but it's too short unless you let me plug it in to the left [where she is scared she'll trip on it 24/7]
Mom: Can I have it?
CC: absolutely fucking not
Mom: I understand why you're saying that-
CC: No.
Mom: But what if I just-
CC: No
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
So my Mom apparently(???) was kicking dad off the bed because she's fucking nuts and this is reason number 1 I said I would rather share a bed with Moosey than Mom but who knows if Dad is just being stupid/autistic and assholery or whatever
Pumpqueen Fall
and now he's sulking in the basement
Pumpqueen Fall
Is he sleeping? Is he just being an asshole and sulking?
Pumpqueen Fall
I don't know, I just said flat out "Not only am I not a marriage counselor, but even if I was, I wouldn't take you on as clients because you're my parents. I cannot solve this for you. seek professional help"
Pumpqueen Fall
If he's in the basement to sleep, he didn't bring his CPAP machine so -_-' 2) Mom is already up so why bother?
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If he's there to sulk
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why :|
Pumpqueen Fall
And I'd love to just be like "woohoo go be there you jackass so I can do what I want since I have 3 hours before sleep" but it's not like I can instead, I have to deal with trying to tune out Mom's nueroses??? sooooo either way just stay in bed asshole?
Pumpqueen Fall
for the future they're all debating ways Mom could sleep elsewhere etc. and so on and I am just
Pumpqueen Fall
actually on retrospect maybe he's just in the basement so to avoid mom's neurotic meltdown A+ good idea
Did moosey just try to convince me to mercy with a rock?
https://images.plurk.com/4iNmFiI7NnpnQ7lQpOBFep.jpg Does this look like the face of mercy?
I thought that was a separate example of "she is literally a crow"
Pumpqueen Fall
Speaking of rocks
Pumpqueen Fall
They fell out of her pockets now
Pumpqueen Fall
Pumpqueen Fall
Why does she have rocks in her jacet pocket? Why is she putting on her jacket to look for something in the house? I assume she's looking for car keys because she lost the thing necessary and
Pumpqueen Fall
... the rocks are in the way :|
Pumpqueen Fall
back to why the fuck
Pumpqueen Fall
Just reminds me of the idea of "this girl put rocks in pocket and walked into the river" except that's not how it works ya
...yeah no I'm pretty sure it's more that she's a crow
she found a shiny rock so she kept it because shiny rock
Pumpqueen Fall
Well it was only like 3 but "only" :||||||| and yes. shiny. and something something gravel from driveway
a character of mine has similar traits.
"People write characters as reflections of themselves"
No. Hell no. If my character was a real person I'd be nowhere near them
Pumpqueen Fall
lol yup
"reflections of themselves" is definitely a gross oversimplification anyway