Zigzag Stampede
[Work] I'm burnt out and I don't know how to fix myself.
Zigzag Stampede
I was really hoping the vacation would fix the sour mood I always seem to be in at work. It has not.
Zigzag Stampede
I just don't want to do anything these days. Even simple tasks
Zigzag Stampede
I get annoyed being asked to do things that are clearly my role. I just feel so scorned from nearly a year of being overworked here that my initial internal reaction to any request is to hiss
Zigzag Stampede
I want to be better. I want to enjoy myself at work, but I just can't seem to do it anymore.

I use to pride myself on doing a good job no matter how I was feeling/what was happening in my personal life/office politics but now I just don't care about doing a good job. I miss caring
Zigzag Stampede
But sitting at my desk saying: I will care about this thing I'm working on just doesn't seem to be doing to job anymore
Zigzag Stampede
As soon as I have breathing room (hopefully this weekend) I do plan on starting to look for a new job, but I don't know. I feel like this funk will stick with me.
Zigzag Stampede
Maybe I'm expecting too much from employment. Maybe I was just lucky with that old job that, even though management was a bully, I felt fulfilled coming in and knowing what I was doing all the time.

After 2 jobs in a row where I was coming in and scrambling to understand my tasks and goals, maybe that is just how things usually work.
Zigzag Stampede
I hate that. I want consistency again.
Zigzag Stampede
If only I could magically mash my old job where I felt confident and knew what I was doing each day and the management of this one together
Zigzag Stampede
I don't really expect an answer. Just spilling feelings out to the void in the hopes that saying them "out loud" might help a little. Sometimes I find it can help.
Zigzag Stampede
Like, I'm fine. Not super sad or anything. Just... meh and I miss feeling a bit better than just... meh about working
Zigzag Stampede
Or maybe I just miss having insane coworker stories (LOL) because coming home going: omg let me tell you how this person was crazy is certainly more exciting than: this place hasn't given me enough training and I don't really know what I'm doing most of the time, but at least they're nice about it.
hahaha /sob