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ughhh I think I just found a new pb for a muse I'm trying not to revive
edit: this has turned into a plurk of me lamenting feeling creatively inspired, someone please smack sense into me, thx
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it'd be yet another face for her that doesn't exactly fit the canon description but it's freaking impossible to find someone who fits perfectly
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and I've always felt the appearance of mood/personality was more important than trying to 100% match physicality
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(also how do you perfectly match a shapeshifter anyway)
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I need someone to stop me, this is a horrible idea
ั•qฯ…ฮนggโ„“ั” โˆ‚ฮนฮทgั•
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plenty of other RP things I could be doing but noooo, I have to get a wild hair and the next thing I know I'm on tumblr looking through pics and going "oh no she does kind of have the right vibe"
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welp. wrote up a thing. now I need to find/make some icons quick
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wtf brain why couldn't you have come up with this a week ago
if you have a PB and the journal name is free (and the other way around) it's all over
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oh, I already had a journal that's been gathering dust for a few years -.-
ohh that's even worse, I'm sorry
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feels like this was a losing battle from the start, sob
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entirely unrelated to this particular muse, but the creative corner of my brain must really feel a need to make up for lost time or something. it needs to stop giving me new ideas and let me focus on what I have in front of me lol
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I guess the plot bunnies of my brain have returned after an extended hiatus
corral them into a doc you can throw darts at occasionally when you need something kjsdfhkj this is the bestworst problem to have though, but I love this for you
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one would think I have my hands plenty full with Mara but nope, creative brain is spiting me now
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I'd figured I'd be distracted with pins tonight, not random icon searching and username pondering
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for a whim that might be totally gone come morning
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welp. I hate finding a username that I can't believe isn't taken
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...how the fuck is it 10:30 omg how many hours have I spent on this random pursuit
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I'm gonna make this journal and halfway set it up and then never actually do anything with it, just gonna call it now and save myself the trouble of getting any ideas
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๐’ถ๐“‚๐’ถ๐“ƒ๐’น๐’ถ : if anything comes of this ultra random whim I want you to know I'm throwing them at you :-P
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I think my brain hit on a random character who ticks a lot of my boxes and I didn't realize it because idek the last time I thought about this media, and that's why now it's weasled in and here I am at... fuck, I have got to go to bed, I've got a stupid meeting I have to be on camera for tomorrow ;_;
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ahem. here I am with a newborn journal and icons and a small folder of caps and gifs and the start of a playlist >.<
/gently pets you sleeeeeeeeeeep
there will be more time tomorrow, and it'll be something to look forward to !!
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welp I just had a thought for what their shadow could be too
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kicking myself off the computer now before I blink and it's 1am and I REALLY regret this whim
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woke up, still have would-be muse lingering around
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idly formulating TDM starters. thinking about what they could do in Requiem. possible others to interact with (or not)
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where's that Drake meme:
- top panel would be "character you've been writing for almost 5 yrs and know a million things for"
- bottom panel would be "character you've never before considered writing, from media consumed 5+ yrs ago, who suddenly is in your head like the urge has always been there"
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the worst part is at one point last night I was like "hm I haven't had to deal with X before, that could be a fun challenge" and I should have known
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the last time I had a random urge and thought "hm this looks like a fun challenge to take on" it resulted in Brianna and accumulating more Star Wars knowledge than I could ever possibly need lol
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I will say that I think part of all this "what if" muse nonsense I'm suddenly dealing with is in part because of being in less of a "omg I need to know every useless fact about this character/canon before I can attempt them" (memes) mindset and instead "okay how would they deal with this situation/world and adapt" (neon)
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and I'm, for once, giving myself some slack to not know absolutely everything?
assuming I didn't just jinx myself and grind all those shenanigans to a halt
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but, I mean. there was a time where I definitely didn't demand I become an expert on a thing before attempting a character. not really sure when exactly I went away from that and latched onto impossible standards (thinking)
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maybe not forcing myself to scramble to become an expert will let me have more fun? (thinking)
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idk sounds fake rofl /shakes head at self
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also having the Raina situation at the same time is an interesting contrast because I could probably write her in my sleep
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sure I haven't read the books in ages or written her in like 4 yrs really, but when I was into those books I loved them and was super familiar with the world and riffed off those concepts in countless original characters, so some of that is just. engraved in my brain like some Star Wars shit is that I can remember at a moment's notice
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and I've written countless characters with similar concepts to Raina so I know that type, I know my usual energy I want to bring to that, etc etc
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wound up doing a thing tonight. but I did also hit back Raina's tag and one or two of Mara's, so I'm more or less on top of stuff atm /knock wood
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we shall see what variety of inspiration tomorrow brings, as I yet again head to bed later than planned, whoops