Changelog - I've added the housing preferences section to the app, so be sure to include that if you're working on one ahead of time! Think of this as being like filling out a college roommate form.
One thing that I historically haven't seen is part of mod-driven matchmaking including activity/timezone/ideal partner activity so I'm hoping that that will be another trend we can start in dwrp!
Oh awesome!! When you mentioned this and it wasn't in the app yet, I was wondering like "oh is preferences gonna be a separate screened sorting post after our apps are accepted?" So this is cool
This IS nice! Also, makes me feel less weird about tagging potential ‘husbands’ in the test drive if someone else already has. I don’t know why I DO feel weird — I wouldn’t in a random TD —but the implied family arrangement makes me feel like it’s stealing people lol.
But that’s the point! Voice testing! Chemistry audition! Or lack thereof.
But that’s the point! Voice testing! Chemistry audition! Or lack thereof.