[Da Computer] I'm going to try to explain a fairly complicated topic for programmers in a way that is understandable to laypeople.
Note: this is really complex stuff that I don't know that well. It's also not something you really need to think about or know to make software, even as a professional developer.
But if you have a piece of code that you really need to make as fast as possible, and you've already done the basic optimizations, this is the kind of stuff you need to reach for.
So, first I'm going to introduce a common concept found in many languages:an array. Specifically a C-style array.
I'm going to stick to talking about C here because a lot of languages surround their data structures with extra stuff, to keep you from running off the ends of them or allow you to dynamically add elements to it. And these are all good things! The lack of these features is one of the things that makes C insanely dangerous to code in!
But they make things more complex when talking about this kind of thing. So. What is an array?
Well, when we're writing our program, we'll need to hold on to values, right? Like, if you're writing a program for running a cash register, then you need to hold on to the current total that's been rung up so far, so that when the next item is scanned you can add it to the total. And you need to hold on to a list of the items that have been scanned. Etc.
If you have a number of different values that are related to each other, such that you'll want to go along the list and do operations on each one, it's more convenient to store them all together than to give each one of them their own little hole to sit in. And that's what an array is for.
So let's suppose we want to store ten integer numbers (ints). We declare the array, and we get one block of contiguous memory large enough to hold all ten numbers.
And then we break it up into ten chunks of equal size, creating ten little spots to put numbers into.
Note that in C, this 'breaking up' is kind of illusory; if you start messing around with pointers you can do dumb shit like grab a value that's straddling the line between two boxes. Coding in C is for lunatics!
But that's not really important right now.
What is important is that every spot to store a value in an array can be accessed by an index number, and you can get at any of them with the same ease and speed as any other.
And now that we have our ten boxes, we can fill them up with numbers.
Cool! Now, let's take this one step further. This is what's known as a 2-dimensional array.
This is an array of arrays! Each row on this diagram is one array of size ten, and there are four of them, for a total of forty spaces.
What's important to understand is that this still all one contiguous memory chunk, it's just larger and has been broken up into more boxes.
So far this is all very basic, Computer Science 1000 stuff. Now here's where it gets tricky.
Let's suppose you need to do some operation on every single element in my_numbers. You have a function that will multiply every number in the 2D array by two, or will return the number of odd numbers in the 2D array.
It really doesn't matter what, the point is that it needs to look at or modify every value in there.
There's basically two sane ways to do this: you can either check every value in the first array, and then every value in the second array, and so on, like so:
Or, you can check the first value of each array, then the second value of each array, then the third value of each array, and so on, like this:
You need to do the same number of checks both ways. And as I said earlier, all elements in the array are the same; it's no faster to access my_numbers[0][0] than it is to access my_numbers[3][9].
So, on paper, these two methods should take the same amount of time to run, right?
And yet. One of them will be significantly faster than the other in practice.
If anyone's actually reading this plurk, care to guess which one it is?
my gut says rows-first is faster but it doesn't seem like it would be significantly so
Well I say significantly, it's not like an exponential increase in speed but it is noticable
Quinn is correct, and here's why.
This diagram of a 2D array is actually a little misleading, because there is no second dimension in computer memory.
It's actually one long strip.
So as far as your computer memory is concerned, this is what my_numbers actually looks like:
The compiler just knows that if you ask for my_numbers[1][2], it shifts down ten values from the starting point, and then grabs the third value from there.
This all happens instantly; again, there's no difference in timing between grabbing any two numbers in the array.
But. There's a thing called the processor cache.
When we think of computer memory, usually we think of the RAM sticks that we stick into our computers, which can hold gigabytes of data at a time. But your processor actually has its own memory, called the cache.
Actually, unless your processor is VERY old it probably has multiple tiers of caches, but let's ignore that for simplicity's sake.
When the processor needs to get at a value, it doesn't just grab that one value. It grabs a whole region of memory, equal to the size of the cache.
It then holds on to the contents of the cache. On the next operation, if the value it needs is already held in the cache, instead of going back to memory, it just pulls it out of the cache.
We call this a cache hit.
If the cache doesn't currently have the value it needs, we call this a cache miss, and it means having to fetch the value from memory again.
And the reason this is important is that fetching data from the processor cache is lightning fast
and fetching data from the normal memory is much slower.
So how many cache misses we get has a noticeable impact on performance.
So, let's consider the row-wise operation. We start at the beginning of the array, and then keep going with nothing but cache hits until we reach the end of the cache.
The number of cache misses is essentially determined by the size of the whole array divided by the size of the cache.
Whereas in the column-wise operation, we're actually jumping all over this block of memory.
If you go from my_numbers[0][0] to my_numbers[1][0] you're jumping ten numbers down.
If the array is long enough horizontally, it's possible for every single operation to be a cache miss!
That means taking the slow route of fetching it from memory every time instead of taking advantage of the benefits of the super speedy processor cache.
The result is that it takes noticeably more time to complete the operation than if we did it row-wise and minimized the number of cache hits.
A caveat: if you code up this exact example and run it on a modern machine, you won't see a performance difference. That's because this is a pretty small array and the whole thing will easily fit into your processor's L1 cache.
But if you have a very large array, or you're running on a processor with a very small cache (like, say the embedded processor in a smart device), you'd see it there