If you haven't tried a GLTF viewer yet ...

Instead of waiting for Firestorm .. or worse, operating under the assumption that LL's first release will be half baked and Firestorm will "fix it".

Get the Official viewer -
Test your locations. Test your computer and performance.

Test the new midday and "legacy one".
Put your thoughts where LL can see them - Start a thread on the official forum AND file a JIRA.

Waiting for FS before thinking about getting feedback to LL will be too late and if there are problems, FS wont be "making this right".

This is the new normal.

From a Reddit poster on secondlife sub - not my own info/thoughts
Oi... https://imgs.plurk.com/QD5/QbK/6GYpEZHXXMzVjjCg0k4bPeTUG88_lg.jpg Sverdlovsk
It's 22 textures.
Masha Runya
I can't function in the SL viewer. The lack of the built in AO alone...