gremlin wife
Hello everyone I don't like myself much right now! It sucks!
/cuddles you
gremlin wife
But at least today I:
-had goodbye breakfast with our Thanksgiving weekend company
-put away a basket of clean misc laundry
-ran and folded a load of towels and bathmats
gremlin wife
-ran and folded a load of work clothes
gremlin wife
-ordered some holiday gift stuff taking advantage of Black Friday
gremlin wife
-put up the new towel rack in the bathroom (after Shira went up there and tried to start doing it herself)
gremlin wife
(that could have ended in disaster)
gremlin wife
(the last good jewish handyman died on a cross etc etc)
gremlin wife
-made some time to play with Binky
gremlin wife
oh yeah -remembered to skip our next hello fresh delivery since we have 6 damn kits in the fridge
boop snoot riot
/sends love
☕ Aro ➽
🍉 catipede
Nella ily
boop snoot riot
don't make me come over there (I will happily come over there)
Spooky Action
gremlin wife
gremlin wife
I appreciate the fuck outta y'all ;;
boop snoot riot
/cuddles you and snuggles protectively.
I shall come chase the gremlins with my stompy boots and a broom!
Spooky Action
gremlin wife
thank you, friends