[MEME] RP history. Hoo boy.
I first started RPing online back in 1998 on a chatroom hosted in Singapore (I think) called Alamak. It was not a chatroom meant for RP by far, but RPers took over two chats called TheCellar and ThePath. TheCellar was more for the baby goths of the world, people who loved vampires and wanted to lurk in either dark corners or perch in the rafters.
ThePath, however, was set in a forest full of mushrooms strange trees and was more fantasy oriented. There were a few guys there who wanted to be in charge of things. One went by Vermillion and the other I only remember as Anthony. The problem was they forgot that they didn't really have any authority, and when people didn't behave the way they wanted...
Well, there's a reason we ended up building our own chatroom after my friend taught themselves perl in one weekend. There, since it was our chatroom, we did have authority, and we ran a fantasy-based roleplay for years there. In the meantime, I also RP'd on AOL chatrooms, some set in Rhy'Din, some elsewhere. That's where I started to love slash.
I was still participating in that when I discovered first deadjournal, then went over to LJ. I found my way into the RP community and joined Milliways. I was first playing some characters from the books called Chronicles of the Cheysuli, but I eventually made a journal for Kitt and inadvertantly broke a fandom.
After Milliways, I mostly dithered around SWS. I did a small amount of Dear Multiverse and so forth, but ended up joining a game called Axiom Nexus - Transformers based. That one was a blast.
I didn't do a lot of game stuff, though. I found some good PSLs through SWS, and I was RPing over AIM a lot. I didn't really get back into more public RP until LJ migrated to DW. That was the point where I found and joined Sixth Iteration with Alistair and Altaïr and met quite a few people that are still on my Plurk here.
Since then, though, I've tried joining a few games, am currently in Ximilia, but prepetually enjoy PSLs more.
Perpetually, even. Man, I'm dead tired.