I’m home! I’m going to wake Peter up tomorrow so he gets a little breach, but T will stay down a few days more. I’m already in bed and haven’t even glossed the plotting post, but does anyone want attached to the Terrible Boy?
Anyone else getting a late start with me?
I'm mostly sitting out the breach because I was swamped by pre-breach stuff, but if you want Ulla, she's available.
I'm willing to do a breach thread or two, I'm just not doing open posts or loading up on lots of threads.
I'm hoping to get going tomorrow, been very sick
فك يو
i'm bad at breaches but i've discovered that introducing shaw to people via breaches is one of my favorite things, tbh. were you thinking circus for him?
welcome home! Silver and Peter might be an interesting combination? Silver's a younger brother who's a cheerful rogue type, occasionally robs townies, runs midway games
(Silver is related to Maggie, so she's also an option, although Ulla was my first thought)
فك يو Would definitely love a thread for him and Shaw, I think I'll have to TL somewhere.
Kira🌵 I'd love an attachment there. Peter's a thief by nature, maybe Silver lifted him from a Faggin-sort, either in this town or previously?
Post-breach, Peter is a mess for anyone who he's close to - he wants to kill anyone the breach casts in a parental role. And if he ever gets friendl with anyone, he'll want to kill anyone they're close to.
Aww, I like it! So, maybe Silver as having nabbed him from a bad situation and then taken on sort of a vaguely caring role in his life? Silver likes kids, but is very much not a parental sort -- he's way too commitment-phobic.
Mags would also help look after any kid her little brother brings home
فك يو
yesssss excellent, she's pretty behind the scenes in the circus (security work, mostly), but maybe they could vibe in a "weird people being weird together" sort of way?
Excellent, I'll set something up.
Still 11 jsut because I haven't arranged his older icons yet.
FʀɪᴇɴᴅIɴYᴇʟʟᴏᴡ I think that means JG's in the mix too, if Peter's tailing Silver around.
I'll toss Maggie at him if you'd like her