callie cline
drive by hello from my new house in Idaho! CRAZY... and I LOVE IT!! wow...
sounds fun :-) hi
Idaho? How did that happen?
Hello! How did the move go?
Idaho to California? That's a huge change.
from not to
Are you in Boise?
Why did you pick Idaho? I am so curious, it is such a change from Orange County. I have wanted to visit Coeur D'alene ID
I canvassed in Idaho, mostly in Boise, but in some of the other towns, too. Weizer was cool. It was for national health care and then for No on One. My org was part of a national network that sent dozens of people to ID for No on 1. It may surprise people but people in Idaho voted down an anti-gay ballot measure in 1994.
1994 Idaho Proposition 1 - Wikipedia
callie cline
(((Cajsa))) :-oh nice!!! i LOVE it here so far, the people are so so so friendly and i didn't know what to expect and am just enjoying it... so different from the california desert!
callie cline
(((Cajsa))) : i am north of boise i think about an hour?
callie cline
(((Cajsa))) : no clue!! hahah
callie cline
✴Sparkling✴ : Heather/Sanura🦩 : it went... LONG... still unpacking lol
callie cline : It takes forever to unpack