fayebells ring
https://images.plurk.com/5oKHpmkqBkVJCbKu1IRGfN.jpg if anyone wanted to see the haircut I was babbling about, it is I, taking a selfie at 3am.
fayebells ring
And still being anxious. I have somehow managed to turn this general interview anxiety into ‘what if I’m too ugly to hire’ which is both unrealistic and untrue. This haircut is pretty cute tho - I don’t think I captured it well but my hair is doing a very good thing with its waves and the undercut works
fayebells ring
Also ANOTHER recruiter wants to talk to me tomorrow? Which is great but omggg. Also I feel like I was way too responsive bc I didn’t realize until looking them up that this was a place I thought about applying and hadn’t yet so they’re calling from a resume I sent in over a year and a half ago?? Which is impressive tbh, but I hope I didn’t sound...weird.
fayebells ring
Annnd I am now anxious about both things AND that I’m not going to get any sleep so uh. Time for bed.