(I mean, technically I own a ps2 that my old housemates left behind, but that and the first gen switch I bought off my best friend when he wanted to update are it.)
I can't play genshin PC because it steals my mouse if it's the active window, even if i'm playing controller. Star rail at least will have the cursor reappear when using the menu but genshin doesn't even do that, so it's unplayable for my adhd constantly-be-multitasking ass
yep. Keyboard just isn't part of my navigational experience and never has been aside from using the windows button to force a full-screen application to stop doing that
which is also a sin that MHY games commit, why won't they allow ius to choose windowed mode from the fucking start screen especially when they have long install screens and opening cutscenes/tutorials that run like half an hour
man I'm doing my daily quests things and. cannot get over the tonal dissonance of 'hilichurls are people' and 'please indiscriminately slaughter lots and lots of hilichurls'
yeah that's why I'm a little baffled at the people who go "but they're PEOPLE I can't hurt them" ngl. (not you Cygna because you are consistent in that you also do not like beating up treasure hoarders and eremites etc)
also yeah? why would I? what need have I for alt-tab when I learned to do things with the mouse and the mouse is always there for me except in Genshin Impact PC
I did spend a second going 'they're intelligent, they made a roadblock to hold up travelers!' and then I was like wait that just makes them bandits which are a normal thing to kill
i was still a cursor user, the only reason i switched to laptop + mouse was that my current laptop had the mouse buttons above the touchpad instead of below and I couldn't adjust to the switch
genshin shut up about 'can ascend' I am not raising my world level I do not have high enough level dudes for that I will just die and then have to lower my world level back down
"the bedrock keys are definitely not losing structural integrity, and the surrounding areas are certainly not plagued by any strange geo elemental convergences. so please, don't think of doing anything at all." ah. well. that's not ominous at all.
god why do I only have one fucking useful greatsword character I am so tired of swapping beidou in and out because I need someone to smash things but I don't need two electro on my team
I did get chongyun but I only had the resources to knock him to level sixty so he's. of dubious utility. I need to go farm to ascend him to at least seventy, plenty of my main people are at seventy
Also like if you're on NA servers I'm happy to hop over to your world when I'm available and use my higher level characters to fight some world bosses faster for you so can get ascension mats (abusing higher levelled friends is how I did most of my farming before getting a level 90 team)
I am switching my team around every five seconds because I need to be able to geo at things but unfortunately albedo much as I love him is slightly useless in a fight
I'm actually having fun with chongyun icing everything up I just have to. swap him in hit e and immediately swap him back out before he Fucking Dies. gotta go fight a... ice flower or something probably idk
anyway for reference zhongli has the highest hits per minute of any character's normal attack as far as I've ever discovered. no one believes me when I say this
oh I just got my ass SLAUGHTERED by-- I don't even remember what those things are called, craggy rock lizard things that curl up in a ball and go underground and stuff, I was too busy dying to notice what it said they were
I was down in the bowels of the top part of the chasm and there was one big one and I was like oh okay I'll fight that and then two little ones appeared and. I'm not good at dodging.
Yeah Zhongli shield and ignore mechanics and take the hits became so much the meta that they introduced enemies that inflict bleed on you (will dot over time and ignore shields) in Inazuma to try and counter it lol
wow I was like 'maybe I'll try that again with a healer other than bennett' and nope the fucking things keep all attacking simultaneously from all directions in a way that means I can't move and also they kill me stone dead in about three seconds
Yeah diona is still a really good support. I have her c6 and level 1, because I'm not going to invest in characters I don't like, no matter how meta they are
okay no that's a lie ice cube is the biggest pain in the ass and i still hate doing it outside of coop but eula is the only character who needs it anyway
Noelle I built by leveling her up and like. she scales off of DEF unlike 95% of characters so you PROBABLY have artifacts she can wear that no one else wants
dw i dont think anyone else in this thread is either (looked at my party the other day and realised zhongli still had some 4* artifacts. most were unlevelled. oops)
(the exceptions are: Kokomi has a negative starting crit rate so she will NEVER crit, you can jsut ignore that on her; Shogun wants energy recharge; I feel like there's one other weird one I'm missing?)
yeah there's a few cases where 2/2 is preferable (the original hydro set, heart of depths, had a 4pc effect that was basically useless on childe for example so he's usually run either 2/2 on the two hydro sets or 2pc hydro/2pc attack)
ah. well. that's not ominous at all.
*(not tonight i don't have gamebrain)
yeah i understand
leveling her up
and like. she scales off of DEF unlike 95% of characters so you PROBABLY have artifacts she can wear that no one else wants