https://images.plurk.com/7xA8xAuceXNtkRLkTAneXo.jpg Seeded the garden with Emorsgate EM3 Special General Purpose Meadow Mixture with EC1 Standard Cornfield Mixture as a nurse crop. The nurse crop will drain the nutrients in the soil, making the soil less rich, such that the plants that are better at absorbing nutrients will not outcompete those that are less good at it.
Autumn is a better time for sowing this mixture as some of these seeds need the cold to break their winter dormancy. It also avoid hungry migratory birds eating the seeds at this time of the year.
Our soil is a bit clayey though so plants that require free draining soil might not do very well in it. Will reseed it with wild flowers for clay soil if required.
are you aiming for a cut flower garden?
𝓒𝓲𝓬𝓲ᜰ𝟓𝟒𝟑 : No, I’m aiming to create habitats that are good for wildlife. I’m also planning to plant a native species rich hedgerow and create a wildlife pond.
sounds wonderful