If people want to know where I've been (TMI for women's body things):
Oct. 1 - Started period (probably close to two weeks after I finished the last one, but I hadn't started dating them...yet)
Oct. 6 - Finished period.
Oct. 18 - COVID shot
Oct 22 - Period started. Again. Definitely not my imagination.
Oct 28th - Period done.
November 1st - Flu shot.
horny on main.
oh god ugh
November 5 - Oh, hi period. Again. We're only doing a week and a day now, huh?
for a price
your body wants to lay eggs like it's a fucking chicken
And on top of this, I've been having massive allergy nonsense.
Because contrary to all things, winter is my normal 'oh god kill me now' season.
So, yeah. Going to my GP to get a referral because either I'm going through perimenopause or I need some damned birth control because this nonsense is ridiculous.
I had the same thing happen when I got my first COVID shots. Apparently flu shots do the same thing. Good to know
horny on main.
constant periods is why I had to get an IUD. I was losing too much blood.
Jaq : Yeah, but it started BEFORE I got the shot.
That's what prompted the timeline.
Because I started timing it because it was all: didn't I just finish my period? But I wasn't exactly sure when I'd ended.
So I wanted to point to specific dates and go 'here, here's some proof that it's not just in my head'.
Anyway. It sucks. Because I made all these plans and have old things I still want to tag back but just.. Body sucks.
juliette lives
oh yeah the covid shot can fuck with your period, RIP
spooky queer
spooky queer
it would be great if we could just press an off button
spooky queer
no periods ty
With mine, I've not been too certain what's caused by flu/Covid shots and what's just caused by peri-menopause.
Definitely have things checked out. Mine started like that and got worse and worse until it was years straight on my period and turns out I had some really screwed up fibroids and did a lot of damage to my system.
Yeah. I'm getting blood work done tomorrow and they're calling me about an ultrasound.
Shard : I'm a little young to start (42), but it's still a possibility. My GP said he'll put me on birth control if it's still funky after a month, but I may ask to see an OBGYN and have them prescribe instead.
juliette lives
you can be in perimenopause for ten years, sadly. I think I'm headed that way myself just because of how bad my periods are now compared to prior years.
Oh dear that must be very hard. Like seriously wtf flu shots?
train bitch (+)
perimenopause caused rapid cycling for me and i needed....... A Lot done and prescribed to not die, so yeah..... look into this....
train bitch (+)
the original covid vaccine did send me into an intractable 2 month breakthrough (i was on birth control then) hemorrhage, tho. and i've been extra irregular every booster since.
train bitch (+)
nobody believed me then until i wound up in the er and that episode seems to be what kicked off all these very very early issues. i'm only 35 NOW, so my primary scoffed at menopause symptoms for years and the wait at the obgyn clinic was about 6 months i guess bc they heard my age and didn't care either, but it got so bad my psych got me an emergency appt