Mad Larkin
[Gaunt's Ghosts] Spoilers: I finally finished Anarch
Mad Larkin
for the probable finale, it felt... anti-climactic
Mad Larkin
though I had a minor heart attack when I thought Rawne had died
Mad Larkin
he's alive, just very injured
Mad Larkin
and Milo's back!
Mad Larkin
and yeah, Sek's dead, that was cool
Mad Larkin
his ship's destroyed
Mad Larkin
one warband out of however many is headless and panicking
Mad Larkin
but the war's going to go on
Mad Larkin
which, I guess, makes sense in the 40k universe
Mad Larkin
war's always going on
Rogal Dorn
It's not yhe end.

Dan has one more arc planned
Rogal Dorn
Marc Collins has written a short story setting up the next arc at Dan's behest
Mad Larkin
oh, he does? good
Mad Larkin
it felt a bit like it could be in some ways, in case other books don't get written, but I can see other places it can go
Mad Larkin
and I want to see Gaunt learning that Milo's back
Rogal Dorn
That and the ghost dossier novels are also setting up the final arc
Mad Larkin
that makes sense
Mad Larkin
I've only read the first of those, but I liked it
Rogal Dorn
That's the only one thus far