[RP][CatNet] So I had a thought - this is mostly to sound out (a) if anyone else on my timeline remembers this series,
and ( b ) if anyone who's read the books can guess which character I'd want to play. XD
Good news: no PB would be needed.
Bad-ish news: I would need to collate so many nature pictures.
Meanwhile, some bats for Steph/Little Brown Bat from the books, because they're her favorite animal.
Also my character type is CLEARLY 'grew up, did terrible things, are now free and not entirely sure if their thoughts/moral compasses are theirs, but still care about people'
Meanwhile all the characters I currently play are this minus One Thing each - Webmind has minimal angst despite what he's been through/what his Other has done before remerging; Alfredo did very little Terrible Things despite what he was committed to do also he's dead now ;
and Nita was never chained in the first place and retains her ability to question/never shuts her mouth when she 'should'.
apep rally Admittedly I'd also like to rec you this series!
There are teen lesbians, a cat-themed social media site, two AIs that have traumatic things happen to them (though both survive and care about People), and the sequel even has a cult (as well as characters that escape the cult)!
apep rally
I love that this is your list of Mari Things
thank you for the recommendation!
;-) I hope you like!
(I was half worried you'd found it before and Bounced or something - but then I also tend to like things most of my plurk timeline doesn't know about, so I just wasn't sure which it was. ^^; )
Still consumed by the idea of an 'animated adaptation'... where CheshireCat's actions are symbolized through an Actual Cat messing around with computers (and flying drones... and possessing the school's sex-ed robot to give better lectures and answer real questions!)
the sequel can star a bunny. add to the cuteness quotient!