The infurnity briefing that you have all been waiting for is coming soon. It will be hosted by the infurnity official staff : J.C.、KC、羊咩、雷德 And TWPAWS partners : 季雪、棕響、虎勝 Let’s introduce the highlights of this event!
Three days panel activities, the new special event, different music events every night. A night market game gathering event that has not yet been officially introduced. As usual, you can ask anything about these activities the end of the stream.
10/21 (六) 晚上7點,相揪報好你知,
獸無限2023 Infurnity2023 直播連結:
It will be hosted by the infurnity official staff : J.C.、KC、羊咩、雷德
And TWPAWS partners : 季雪、棕響、虎勝
Let’s introduce the highlights of this event!
the new special event,
different music events every night.
A night market game gathering event that has not yet been officially introduced.
As usual, you can ask anything about these activities the end of the stream.
10/21 (Saturday) 7:00 pm, see you in live show!