✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
[Tattoo] https://images.plurk.com/29mpeO9g6qS2zo9XjWmc0J.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3vx9Kso0KlUkvdhWMhwdj9.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3S4hq8upXYC4ay1Kb72h17.jpg Since I forgot to post pictures earlier xD
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It's my boi Karma!! :-)
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Bonus if y'all can figure out the message I was going for with this
E.S. Levi
I'm a little distracted by that dent in your leg...
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
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That's from when I was a kid
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Fell off a three story balcony when I was like 3. Broke both legs.
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
There's a dent/hole on the other side where I had to have a metal pin through it while it healed.
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Hope just saying that isn't triggering for anyone. ;;
Be Maki-Mine 💘
Dang that's a big one. Badass
Be Maki-Mine 💘
I'm glad you were satisfied sitting for that session, that's impressive to me
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Thank you so much ^^
I’m going with student loan lol
It’s USAs nightmare
Omg I love it. I love Karma. XD and I’ll give u all the kudos for sitting through that
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Technically I lied down for it lol
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
It was hardest near the end honestly.
are you ready
It looks awesome!
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Not student loans though lol. It's a take on the expression of how karma always comes around to collect its debt
I love it
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Thank you ^__^
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
This one means a lot because it's the first character tattoo on me that's not a symbol or item and is not coming from a pre established image
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Only one exists and it's on my leg
E.S. Levi
The description is fine for me, just impressed you made it out of that with only broken legs! Kids really are resilient.
E.S. Levi
And they did that entire thing in one session?
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Yup!! 4.5 hours
E.S. Levi
I hope you had something to play/read during that!
E.S. Levi
Because that's a loooooong time to just lay still and wait.
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They had movies playing in the shop while I was getting tatted ^^
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It was finishing watching star wars ep 1
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Then Lord of the Rings No. 1
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Then I got to pick Iron Man
E.S. Levi
Oh good!
E.S. Levi
So no horrible boredom to endure.
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Thankfully ^^
E.S. Levi
I want a tattoo some day, but so expensive...
My fear of needles will never go away so I’ll stick with Hanna
E.S. Levi
I'm afraid of needles too, but oddly a needle gun doesn't ping me the same way?
E.S. Levi
I think it's specifically long needles that jab into what's under the skin.
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Aah I completely get that as I'm the same
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
Certain parts of the body sting and hurt less than others. If y'all ever wanna know, just ask me
E.S. Levi
I know bony areas hurt more!
E.S. Levi
But also, I'm very good at tolerating droning pain, so I'm not too worried on that front XD
Funny you say that Levi, I dont mind shots from the doctor. Guess i finally got used to it, needle gun though? Ahhh I can’t even get another pierced thinking about it!
E.S. Levi
E.S. Levi
The only reason I didn't get a second ear piercing last week is because the starter earrings were all too expensive XD
E.S. Levi
I like jewelry...
E.S. Levi
And somehow, body modification needles don't scare me like medical ones do?
E.S. Levi
(I just wish pretty earrings weren't so expensive, and cheap earrings weren't so often gaudy or visibly plastic...)
So do I. I love them but yes to all of this. Sob
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
my only recommendation is to DEFINITELY do your research
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if you want a tattoo
E.S. Levi
I know they're so easy to accidentally mess up.
✧ Łʏɳɛʏ ✧
you gotta be careful, yeah. i've made my fair share of mistakes