a girl in love
[sanrio boys] the more of the other teams that come out the more I realize that the overall art direction is less wild/overdone than I thought it was and that's just Red Bouquet's visual gimmick specifically
a girl in love
CHARACTER | 【サンリオ】フラガリアメモリーズ公式サイト
so far black team is Pocchaco and Ahiru no Pekkle
a girl in love
all of red team has prominent asymmetry details, maybe in reference to Hello Kitty's bow
a girl in love
blue team is actually just white team.
a girl in love
black team so far is like punk/sporty/street
God of Brats
black team: punksports
blue team: fuwafuwa
red team: freaks
God of Brats
i wont get over sanah's fucking crocs
❄️⌒[>。<] BIZ
I love them.
a girl in love
God of Brats
a girl in love