1 年前
Huh. First time I've seen a tampon dispenser have so much interesting variation... >.>
1 年前
At a regular eat in restaurant at that
1 年前
Just screams good ol' San Francisco
gremlin wife
1 年前
an assortment of erotic surprises
gremlin wife
1 年前
1 年前
I want to know what's in the men's room selection lmao
1 年前
I'm not fond of the idea of grouping tampons in with sex stuff, kiiiind of perpetuates the idea that menstruation is taboo
1 年前
I'm just shocked to find it in a regular ol' restaurant. Like I'd believe it in a dive bar or a club or heck maybe a restaurant if it's on Folsom or the Castro, but this was just at a regular ol restaurant
Dragons Dragons
1 年前
I remember seeing those at every gas station when I was a kid! Sometimes they also dispensed temporary tattoos.
Dragons Dragons
1 年前
Guess they're still around somewhere in the world.
1 年前
tbf this restaurant is an old one so that does make sense.
Dragons Dragons
1 年前
That's true, I am turning 507.
an assortment of erotic surprises