Emily ✟
I'd been thinking about Lilo & Sammy. And just 10 mins ago. Animal Rescue League of Boston, brought back Lilo and Sammy. They were not candidates for adoption, which is okay with me. I had hoped they would be adopted but they are not. So they were released back into our yard, their home in the woods. They looked scared but I was glad to see them.
Emily ✟
Unfortunately, I couldn't get them on camera being released but I at least got to see them released, and they know now this is their home forever.
Emily ✟
If they ever want to be friendlier with me, I welcome that with open arms.
Emily ✟
As I told my husband. If we move, I will have to re-trap them because I could not move and leave them. My husband jokingly said, I guess we aren't moving LOL.
Emily ✟
I know this is not our forever home, the next house will be. But I will be sure to take Momo, Lilo and Sammy, and any other cat that I become attached to that is not adoptable.
Emily ✟
My heart is happy, but sad at the same time. Because they are not adoptable.
Emily ✟
Lilo the tortie is a girl, and she had already been spayed, they couldn't tell because of her hair. So they just tipped her ear. Someone must of left her behind poor baby.
Emily ✟
And Sammy boy. I am so glad he is finally neutered. No more fighting, he should be calmer now with Momo. As Momo is also neutered. I pray they stay close to home, in a safe spot.
Emily ✟
And I pray to the good Lord, that if I get bigger cat houses that they will use them.
Emily ✟
I know its scary because we get coyotes here in the back yard. God knows I don't want them to get attacked, and much less killed. God no.
Emily ✟
This is a special day, because now we know that Sammy is neutered, and Lilo is indeed a girl and already fixed. Thank you Lord.
Emily ✟
As for Sammy's ear, I don't think they did anything for it. I had hoped they would do something, but I don't think they did. I will take photos next time I see either one.
Emily ✟
I love you Sammy boy and Lilo girl.
Emily ✟
Lilo returned because she was hungry. So I fed her some food. Her ear doesn't look as tipped as I expected. She is still a beautiful tortie. https://images.plurk.com/6VmMaHfw9MeYweI4KKY66V.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6SzgTvsBArRfjNzABcQDzc.jpg
I think TNR puts a tiny nick in the ear so if the cat is ever trapped again they can see it’s already been neutered. I see a tiny v in her ear.
Emily ✟
Deb425 : When they neutered my younger feral boy, Momo they cut the tip off his ear. I had no idea that everyone did it differently. Thank you
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