Freyja 金
Wow, I got booted out of my linkedin profile. The hacker made me have to send id proof while they can sign in just fine even asked for verification codes with my numbers and emails (lmao) What the fuck is this
Freyja 金
But Linkedin themselves said that there is a high influx of cases at the moment and I just think that many people are experiencing this probably. It's just so funny, wtf (lmao)
Freyja 金
I was so baffled to find both my mobile app and browser logged out of linkedin this morning. They are persistent about linkedin, huh. I can let it go. I don't use it anymore anyway (haha)
Freyja 金
Ah, my account is too far gone now, they probably have changed the email and changed the name.
Freyja 金
Can't find my name again there
Freyja 金
My account is still there, though, that's why I still can enter my email and password
kok aneeeh :-( ih ih ih
Freyja 金
kittensate : Nggak ngerti deh, tapi yaudah sih biarin aja menurutku, toh juga nggak dipake-pake amat, salah satu platform yang useless buat aku. Sedih sih karena beberapa koneksi di sana aku dapet pas dulu freelancing buat netpliks, beberapa kali ngobrol juga, tapi yaudahlah (haha)
:-( /pukpuk

hackernya aneeeeh, linkedin juga aneeeh, ada 2fa kok bisa dibajakkk
Freyja 金
kittensate : Nggak tau ya, padahal 2FAnya udah pake nomor hape sini. Gitu aku ngerasa baru banyak kasus begini jadi itu kemungkinan besar emang salah Linkedin. Aku udah ganti password dan email kemarin tapi masih bisa dibobol, aneh kan ya (haha)
Kayaknya memang lagi musimnya, ini dari bulan september, lalu agustus juga udah mulai :-( pujpuk mb Tiysa
Freyja 金
kittensate : Ah, I see. Not a big deal for me, though, karena again aku nggak pake Linkedin that much. Aku akan lebih sedih kalau Facebook yang ilang karena itu personal, Linkedin mah apa (haha)
facebook harus dijaga (yay) linkedin mayan buat cari kerja atau relasi profesionaaal (yay)
Freyja 金
kittensate : Dunno mayannya Linkedin di mana karena asli hampir nggak kepake itu.
Freyja 金 : untuk kepo? /eh