Jonathan: 1. It might be the ease with which I can slip into his speech pattern. He's ridiculously relatable to me (as a beleaguered abused Eldest Sibling myself) 10. Mostly that relatability, and the desire to hold him up like "see boy! love boy!!" since it's not like the showrunners (or really most of the fandom) will do it for me
19. Myriad fix-its, mostly to do with the way he handled the situation with Nancy, and having someone's support while he figures his shit out. Whether it would end in shipping or not, he deserves better than getting browbeaten every time he has a thought or opinion or argument.
Shouji: 1. Can be summed up with "YES HIM BIG AND INTIMIDATING BUT ALSO HIM SOFT AND KIND" bc I love that angle on characters always. 10. The complexity that his story presents to the ideas of MHA as a whole. He's a very grey character in the way he regards the world even while trying to be the best Hero he can be. I can write a whole essay on this shit.
19. 19. Vigilante au! Runaway au! (Basically the thing I've been doing with violinandcello ) bc what if! What if boy taken out of toxic Hero situation and able to fight back at the heroes that can be bigger assholes than the villains at times!!
13. Probably the untreated mental illness stuff as a result of both just not being able to affort it and juuuust a little of it being Lisa's toxic positivity. She's all about hard work and keeping a stiff upper lip and would probably be extremely reticent to go in on medications outside of like, mild painkillers I think.
1. It might be the ease with which I can slip into his speech pattern. He's ridiculously relatable to me (as a beleaguered abused Eldest Sibling myself)
10. Mostly that relatability, and the desire to hold him up like "see boy! love boy!!" since it's not like the showrunners (or really most of the fandom) will do it for me
Just the framing and lighting and how soft he looks, it's v charming to me and also his hair actually looks nice for a change......
1. Can be summed up with "YES HIM BIG AND INTIMIDATING BUT ALSO HIM SOFT AND KIND" bc I love that angle on characters always.
10. The complexity that his story presents to the ideas of MHA as a whole. He's a very grey character in the way he regards the world even while trying to be the best Hero he can be. I can write a whole essay on this shit.
if we're going with canon screenshots
You mean aside from being half-alien?I love just how much of a mama's boy he always has been. He loves his mom So Much.