spooky cass 👻
romantic state of the RP
spooky cass 👻
rip my spam of laughing emotes
spooky cass 👻
tyr/leon is with crois/luis, despite what tyr might think it is very obvious
spooky cass 👻
it started as a friends with benefits thing and that lasted checks notes maybe a day
spooky cass 👻
at least on tyr's end
whispers, it was obvious,
spooky cass 👻
solemn nod, it's obvious
every time he tried to talk around it Maomao was internally like [really? really, my good sir?]
spooky cass 👻
UP UNTIL A FEW DAYS AGO ICLY it was still technically fwb . . .
spooky cass 👻
but no bomb ritual happened and crois told him he gave a shit and a lot of other stuff in sheep happened to make tyr be like oh no, i might have a feeling or two for this very stupid, annoying man
spooky cass 👻
the funny thing is crois confessed first
spooky cass 👻
but more seriously, he doesn't know exactly what to call it. him and crois haven't exactly put in a lot of effort to give it a word and that's fine, honestly
spooky cass 👻
i don't think he's actually told anyone. he told fantasia they were fwb and maybe someone else
spooky cass 👻
but also everyone has been assuming something's up since day one so tyr is like well they're not wrong anymore shrug
spooky cass 👻
on the other hand there is ada wong
go marnie
our wife
spooky cass 👻
our wife
spooky cass 👻
she is . . . complicated. most of the complication comes from the fact that she's a mercenary and he knows where each of their priorities go
go marnie
they're going to have to have the ada wong conversation and it's going to be so funny
spooky cass 👻
it's gonna be HILARIOUS
spooky cass 👻
but yeah no leon is in love with her. she has never actually put him in any danger he wouldn't willingly jump into himself, she has lied to him but handwave
spooky cass 👻
his stupid face as she's leaving at the end of rem4ke says it all tbh
𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳
leon and luis while fuckin:
imagine if ada was here too teehee
go marnie
spooky cass 👻