Tag drive has been at an all time low, despite creativity still being super high. So I've been channeling all that into game stuff, in hopes of fighting off brain weasels that usually hit whenever I struggle to tag
But between that and the fact that I'm being a petsitter for 2 dogs and a rabbit, and still recovering from all that RL stuff, I'm not surprised I'm struggling to tag, eheh
But yes this is kind of why I'm relieved I've had it set so I wouldn't be doing much of anything in the way of tagging for TbF. Just kind of helping others have fun tagging, while hopefully getting to tell that story I've been itching to tell
I usually do fine with letting myself have the break when brain is being stubborn, esp when it's happening during time of month heh. I'll likely wake up in a day or two itching to tag again, knowing me
Cloud and Sora CR