duck bastard
[vidgames] > Gamer: making the ladder yellow in this RE game was so unnecessary!!! obviously a ladder is climbable and crates break!
> Game dev: ok so
duck bastard
1 - In a platformer, players would assume you had to go to the right and kept jumping in the void over and over. I had to add a revolving staircase that spins you and makes you face left.

They acknowledged the staircase was weird, but couldn't figure out the reason.
duck bastard
2 - When players got to a village, they wouldn't interact with any of the houses. So I added a giant exclamation point in one of them. An NPC would tell you to visit a shop, which has a huge sign. Noone would read the sign.

I added another huge exclamation point.
duck bastard
3 - People keep trying to interact with elements of the background in an RPG, so I have to add dialogue to them so they don't get confused as to why they can't use it.

I just add funny quips, but it works.
duck bastard
4 - It doesn't matter what the vibe of the game is, people always try to beat the shit out of everyone they meet. Blocking the attack button would be too handholdey, so I add a disapproving response from the NPC. Then players are like "oh i'm so sorry."
duck bastard
4.5 - So players online complain that they can kill people and then the game will have less content... What did you expect? A Ghost party?
duck bastard
5 - Players won't pickup a necessary item even though it's on a pedestal... So I make it float with glowing instead.
duck bastard
6 - I have holes impossible to jump through twice as large otherwise people will be trying to make the jump for hours and get bored of the game.\
duck bastard
7 - I have to put elements that are cut off by the screen on every level, otherwise players will assume the level is one-screen wide.
duck bastard
Lastly, I had to paint my climbable surfaces blue because otherwise players keep trying to climb every single geometry in the level and get bored...
duck bastard
To those saying things about playtesting being "designing for the lowest common denominator," well, I once had a hardcore gamer get stuck in my game because he was trying to move with WASD.

It's not just "newcomers" that get stuck on quirky problems.
like... things differ so much from game to game, too, you can't just assume people will automatically know what they can interact with
some games literally have both climbable and unclimbable ladders
some games have invincible crates
DIE!Ba Nana
A few people have said that signposting should blend in with the game's aesthetics. Maybe the dude complaining would have a point if his point was "make it look like it came from RE"
𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
crates are not inherently breakable and even crates with the EXACT TEXTURES IN THE SAME GAME have been either breakable or unbreakable depending on the specific crate. hello i have played donkey kong 64
𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
which, nowadays we acknowledge is a "bad game" but way back when it was much better received, and a lot of the design elements come from previous 3d platformers that were held in high regard
𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
point is, anytime you think something is "obvious," a. no it isn't; b. there is good cause to not consider it such; c. at least one person who will not consider it such for a very silly reason
vigorous nodding
Cookie Politics
also d. you have played many games that use the same visual language and not read thought about it
Cookie Politics
ohh, that was an interesting watch
feral ghūl fall
love this
Virizion α
The example I always give is that waaay back when we were little, my siblings and I received the gen 1 Pokemon games for Christmas, and we all spent half an hour trying to figure out how to get out of the player's house because it did not click that the rectangle at the bottom of the screen was a door mat. (Youngest figured it out first.)
Virizion α
Every game is someone's first, and some things that seem obvious to everyone... aren't.
Also, like...I could personally care less how hand-holdy a game's level design is
I have never been annoyed by a ladder being too obvious, or a big glowing quest marker
What I have been annoyed by is overly railroading tutorial periods where the game will only let you do what it wants you to do, in order
ESPECIALLY in games that are meant to be very open progression otherwise
Level design that explains itself is not worth getting worked up over
If anything, I wish more games explained themselves through design rather than tutorials
Some games do this incredibly
(The game that infuriated me the most with an unskippable, agonizingly unnecessary tutorial was Pokemon SuMo, though I will acknowledge that maybe total newcomers to Pokemon need an extensive tutorial to learn the ropes and it was only agonizing to me BECAUSE I already knew almost all the game mechanics)
(...but then I'd argue that SuMo damn well should have had a fast track option for players who know what they're doing to NOT have to play an hour and a half of being told shit they already know before they're allowed to do anything, so I still consider it bad design)
I never like it when a tutorial forces you to use an item
Larboard : Hard agree, and I think the biggest flex a tutorial can make is if they give you an item, for the purposes of using the item in the tutorial, but give you the option to NOT use the item so you now have a free starter item
Not many games do it but every now and again some do and it always feels like getting away with something
I'm reminded of the FF7 beginner's hall tutorial where Cloud explains how to use potions and if you don't have any in your inventory, he'll ask for one from the NPC, who calls him cheap lol
I think menu mechanics especially would be hard to explain without a tutorial, but damn they had better be both skippable and accessible elsewhere if I realize later that I don't actually know what I'm doing
there's also the OG mario RPG where the item tutorial forces you to use a mushroom to heal, but you only took like, maybe 2 damage from the fight right before it?