which leads into my next thought: zero. so like. on first viewing i wasnt sure on it all, but overall? i think i actually quite like the arc she had. she was, from beginning to end, quite stubborn about things, and seeing what people achieve told her that thing didnt have to be this way.
so uh. come hell or high water she was GOING to break the cycle of distrust. even if she had to drag golbez over the finish line kicking and screaming. and like. good!!! if he wanted to save the 13th so bad, he shouldnt die here. he should have to actually contribute to fixing the mess he made.
death was not a solution. it was an ending. so many of ff14s characters lately have just died as the ending of their character arc and you know what??? im sick of it. golbez should have to work to fix his world, he should have to learn how to deal with people again. death is not ultimate cleanser of everything, and his arc shouldnt end with that
and while hes working with him, zero isnt treating him like us, shes perfectly aware of what hes done, and how much he has to make up for, which i think overall is for the best. and also should make for some interesting character dynamics innnn
cylva has a line when you go back to the first that they plan on making a move soon, and everyone seems to be working towards finding a solution. i think 13th restoration quests seem like???? probable at this point??? im so hopeful. please yoshi p
anyway, overall? 6.5 was fine. mostly pretty good, i have my issues here and there, but everything works overall at least, and gaia got to be in a voiced cutscene. i think it goes up two letter ratings no matter what after that
zeromus in ff4 was basically an empty vessel so ff14 devs had basically a blank slate for this, and honestly?? this giant voidsent calling out for home constantly in dragonspeak?? a+
gaia is so important!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so happy to hear that shes writing a book!!!!!! i love the fact that both of the girls have been finding new constructive ways forward!!!!
its definitely for the best that they left it ambigious TBH.
and. yea. but honestly?? given that i was fairly sure zero wasnt our shard i didnt think she die or fuse. primarily bc outside of villains or morally ambigious characters they havent done that in endwalker much
~~i. i did worry a little, they were Stacking those death flags, but i didnt worry too hard. my biggest worry was somehow sidelining the cylva+gaia crew harder which?? didnt happen. im in side content character heaven rn~~
anyway. i think how much zero feels like your wol's counterpart depends somewhat on your wol but for me it's "would Zenos specificially seek out the soul of his friend, and could fandaniel find it?" and imo both of those answers is yes
yeah, i definitely get that. personally, i do like the idea that zero is just her own person, and i also like the idea of that particular linchpin moment of the wol shard being turned into a monster, and that was point where the timeline would start to break.
...primarily bc post this patch i Really like the idea that fake!golbez was zenos' shard
idk is it the strongest connections there? no. do i think the idea that in another world zenos would absolutely go through a sort of character arc where he'd want to save the world in the wol's memory but also be Him so much that he'd destroy instead compelling???yes. i think its fun
its all left very much ambigious tho, which is for the best for the community as a whole, probably. theres lots of fun answers, and none of them are totally cut off
ah. and heres my main complaint this patch: wow those cutscenes were glitchy. honestly, it felt like they were pushing the envelope so hard that my pc took it personally. animations always had a second delay between camera cuts... the way zero bobbed up and down during her Final Attack....
im glad to hear that theyre aware, and going to fix it, but it really took away from my enjoyment last night. it almost makes me wish i hadnt tried to play it so close to release
and unukalhai and co didnt make it into cutscenes, but they sure did get mentioned a lot. we even FINALLY got to tell zero about them!!!
cylva has a line when you go back to the first that they plan on making a move soon, and everyone seems to be working towards finding a solution. i think 13th restoration quests seem like???? probable at this point??? im so hopeful. please yoshi p
and. yea. but honestly?? given that i was fairly sure zero wasnt our shard i didnt think she die or fuse. primarily bc outside of villains or morally ambigious characters they havent done that in endwalker much
that is it's double hyphensbeeptest 1-test 2-...primarily bc post this patch i Really like the idea that fake!golbez was zenos' shard
ah. and heres my main complaint this patch: wow those cutscenes were glitchy. honestly, it felt like they were pushing the envelope so hard that my pc took it personally. animations always had a second delay between camera cuts... the way zero bobbed up and down during her Final Attack....
ah. found video. like. this. this really takes away from the moment