Sex questions! For any of my fellas.

nerdy transhuman warlords, horny alien warlords, mentally ill rockstars, or mentally ill, nerdy writers.

railway crab
11, 13. blueberry.

railway crab
: 11: Once he gets more comfortable with sex as a thing that he does, if there's planning involved it's going to be a very clothes-off affair. (He will also fold said clothes as he takes them off.) Much less messy, and access to all possible erogenous zones.

13: I hate, I hate that I actually have a screencap I saved that's relevant to this question.


railway crab
well. now I know.

that is a fanfic, uh, just to be clear. but that particular logical path seems. very in-character.

once you've established that sex provides statistically significant benefits re: interpersonal relationships, why would you not explore all options and gather all data possible?