duck bastard
[fandomentalists/EOL of a disabled CSA-rape survivor] scrubs face....yeah this is going to be a miserable story in case you. can't guess.
duck bastard
but for those who need to be caught up - so there was this person who used to be in the animation industry, named Ang. Atherist on twitter, if that sounds a little more familiar. Did work with Vivziepop even.
duck bastard
Ang had a private and locked account where they drew sexual vent art. As a CSA and rape survivor (they were separate incidents iirc, could be wrong), they obviously had a lot to vent about.
duck bastard
But one day, they got involved in a discord server. One person in particular really attached to them. Sent them all sorts of lavish gifts, etc. Both that person and the discord gave Ang red flags, so, after a while, they tried to break it off.
duck bastard
Creepy abusive fuck didn't like that. Spilled the beans on Ang's private account. Started up a whole thing where they stirred up fandomentalist creepfucks into the harassment campaign they're so well known for
duck bastard
they made it so bad that they got Ang blacklisted from animation, fired from their Cartoon Network job, and basically.... never let up, really, for four years or so
duck bastard
this would be bad for anyone, but especially for Ang, whose health is in very much not a good way and so they were relying on that health insurance to literally stay alive
duck bastard
Without that insurance, their health has only spiraled, and so of course they couldn't work.... which only made it harder to get what they needed....
duck bastard
They've tried for years now to scramble for ways of living, like off of kofi and such, but, well. The constant harassment campaign and slowly dying has caught up to them.
duck bastard
And they just posted recently that they were shutting off all their kofi stuff, all the places where people could donate to them, and were just going to accept death
duck bastard
and it's just.... god. i've donated to them before. been rooting for them. it's a fucking tragedy that this may very well how it'll end, and the abusers who kept up this shit, who spread it around, won't get anything coming to them
What the fuck
Why are people this gross
papermint tiger
that's horrifying
duck bastard
It's fucking.... miserable.
duck bastard
and it's like.... this is why i give such a shit about what should never have evolved to be more than stupid fucking ship wankery. Why i can't believe the bullshit of "oh both sides are as bad as the other" or "it's just terminally online stuff"
duck bastard
a person has been slowly dying for four years because some abusive fuckhead decided to use their private vent art against them and stir up all the other wannabe abusive fuckheads
Oh my god
I've seen their posts, and I follow [specific artist who is friends with them] and. Just. I'm so angry.
duck bastard
I've been shaking between rage and despair both since i heard, tbh
Honestly uncommon for me to be "physical symptoms" upset but man my stomach BURNS I am ready to fight anyone about this
But there's nothing I can do??? There's nothing I can do.
duck bastard
Yeah. Like, only thing I could do in this situation to help even a little bit was when i've given them money before, and it's just.... it wasn't enough
duck bastard
they said it themselves that they need a miracle at this point
Right... which. They shouldn't be in that position. This never should have been a thing that happened.
They shouldn't need a miracle and it's desperately hopeless feeling to be unable to give them one
so if this person dies, the blood is literally on that abuser and fandomentalist hands. which you know... that's a place no group of people can come back from.
That is just. So unimaginably cruel.
💰ᴘᴏᴡᴇʀᴇꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛ : What infuriates me is that they will be PROUD of that blood
These assholes literally want people to die, and they want to be the ones responsible for killing them, because they are that sick
They think that driving the people they don't like to suicide is a form of justice.
And while I am above such people in that I don't wish or intentionally try to inflict harm on others, I will say that if a person who thinks like that gets hit by a bus, very little of value is lost.
And most of the lost value is in the bus repair.
Like shit like this is where you look in the mirror and ask yourself: maybe I'm not such a good person.
you are no better than the people that do shit to wipe you out
Bold of you to think an anti has ever questioned themselves
I know... but still.
Some of them have to come to god at some point.
some of them have to say this at one point:
Yeah, they will do it again because they'll never get held responsible.
Like no police, no being brought to court level of responsibility
duck bastard
I tried to point this out to someone, but they were a little coward and blocked me, so
𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
Antis are, at some level, impossible to differentiate from any other kind of would-be holy warrior
duck bastard
that's why i call them fandomentalists
Eʏʏʏᴍᴏɴᴅ Osᴡᴇʟʟ
this is just So Much, I just
duck bastard
someone trying to defend this shit was like "they're not even dead" and if i could physically slug them, i would
papermint tiger
.............fuck you buddy
oh, I saw why discussions might pop up: one of the people involved opened up comms
mostly so you guys can update your Blocklist (again)
yeah... actual human scum.
apparently another one
Dr Bai | on X
"They're not even dead." I thought the whole point of giving a shit about other people was not having to wait for the body to be in the ground now???? (Nevermind, you know. The.... actual impending death?)
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
I hate how much they justify the abuse and the death threats even when the "evidence" is just something regarding fiction and mostly from heresay like wtf
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
That's a Real Human Being whose life you ruined because of not real stuff
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
it's crazy how the Twitter freaks treat fictional people like humans and humans like fictional people
Like this precisely what I've been saying for a while and this shit is what it's gonna lead to.
Like the lack of basic empathy for actual, real people they can't control or tell what to do is just... insane.
and like, not even sparing a thought for "what if they change?"
duck bastard
For those artistically inclined, an art train has been proposed for the artist
duck bastard
slowly breathes in through my teeth
duck bastard
just got to hear someone refer to this as a "proshipper propaganda piece"
duck bastard
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
That is fucking disgusting...
papermint tiger
Ugh delightful how they go from saying 'no one has died, y'all are over reacting' directly to 'you should all die'
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
clearly they don't know what END OF LIFE care means
papermint tiger
You also know exactly what kind of terminally online shitstain of a human they are when they start talking 'smart', aka they sound like they're regurgitating a thesaurus
duck bastard
> rotbag of a human facsimile: are they dead?
> literally everyone else with a soul: hey, that's kind of rude as fuck and really incosiderate
> James, breathing through my teeth: it doesn't matter how genuine you were being. it was still very rude and incosiderate.
duck bastard
> rotbag mcgee: It’s not my fault that others took the worst faith interpretation of my question and ran with it. I see why they did but it’s not my fault.
duck bastard
anyway if you see ChrystalWRox on twitter, they're a sealioning piece of shit who refuses to take any accountability for even the slightest misstep
duck bastard
fucking rotbag is trying to go "are they dead" and "are they dead yet" are "extremely" different sentences, and refusing to admit that either is very inconsiderate and rude, so
duck bastard
just throw the whole woman away
we get it, you're a miserable leftist that knows everything. SOMEONE IS FUCKING DYING, AND YOU CAN'T GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR OWN ASS FOR LIKE 10 SECONDS.
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ saw this today and it disturbed me greatly
papermint tiger
....good god
Rᴏʟʟɪɴɢ sᴛᴀʀ ★
pastel ranma
ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴ ʀᴜᴅᴇ
well... at least they're not dancing around that fact anymore...
duck bastard
oh, most of the people aren't, but you still have a few who are trying
what the actual fuck
Yep, it's exactly what I said
A lot of these antis consider this the optimal outcome and will actively celebrate it
Probably even more of them than will actually admit to it, because some of them are more aware that to certain perspectives - namely, to people who are not actually ghouls - wanting someone to die and actually engineering their death because you're chafed about the kind of art of fictional characters they draw might look as though your soul is putrid
I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I wonder how many antis are anti-death penalty for criminals, but pro-driving people to suicide and lethal poverty over fanart, and have absolutely no perception of the irony
It has to be a non-zero number
Execution by judicial court is bad, execution by kangaroo court is a-ok!!
not going to lie I want to beat the shit out of these people
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
Like... I wasn't angry anymore, I was just massively disturbed. People like this EXIST. People entirely devoid of empathy over lines on paper made to look like two very stylized figures having sex.
Like I'm less angry, and asking: what the fuck is wrong with these people? And is there a way to fix it?
duck bastard
laces fingers together. so, for those who don't know the entire story - Holly Meadow Disch and Jay Goldstein were the ones who initially kicked off the harassment shit against Ang. But a dude called Kyle Carrazzo was who let it pick up steam by spreading their bullshit in the industry
duck bastard
(he was the creator of this old show called Mighty Magiswords)
duck bastard
now, holly apparently doesn't have an easily findable social media presence, and Jay locked down tight ages ago as far as I can remember because of this
duck bastard
but Kyle's twitter was open until just recently.... and also Youmacon announced him as a guest just a few days ago
duck bastard
definitely great timing going on here
duck bastard
predictably, the comments were full of outrage about Kyle's presence, or just alerting people to the shit he's pulled. (He's also apparently just a shitty person to work under.) Youmacon decided, rather than making a statement of any kind, they'd just. hide literally all the comments. and lock the comments.
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
I hate the fact I thought Magiswords was a fun concept
duck bastard
predictably, this is backfiring on them.
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
Fwiw, the Youmacon announcement post is full of people telling them to cancel and bringing up what happened re:Ang.

However, Youmacon hasn't commented on anything and their contact page is apparently not working anymore.
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
I guess I'm not going to Youma after all!
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
So further FURTHER breaking news: Youmacon has locked comments on their ENTIRE account.
Omg 😱
papermint tiger
holy beans
A better choice would be privating the account while they run damage control tbh
duck bastard
today in unsurprising news, one of the biggest anti-Ang contingent (he's defended Jay Goldstein and Kyle Carrozza a fuckton), one Tony Goldmark has a kiwifarms
duck bastard
are you surprised? i'm not.
N O P E.
Oh that's why Kiwifarms keeps coming up now... god damn
I thought it was gone.
papermint tiger
Temporarily taken down, I was also sad to hear it wasn't permanent
god damn it.
Any updates from Youma or are they still being idiots?
duck bastard
don't think so but i haven't been checking on that too much with all the other clusterfucks involved in this
Keep us informed, I guess!
duck bastard
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
that is disgusting
absolute barf
Wow. It's... like. Not even a little convincing.
𝒄𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒏 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒆𝒏
their icon is a flame because they should burn on earth because we cannot be sure there's a hell for them to burn in
duck bastard
going "we wish both parties the best" or whatever when one of them is actively dying is certainly a choice, isn't it
It certainly is
Oh looks like Kyle locked down his Twitter lmao
duck bastard
yeah he locked it down a while ago, a couple days after people started responding to one of his recent tweets going "dude what the fuck"
I’m gonna bet he’s gonna be a no show at Youma
If he can’t take the heat on Twitter he definitely can’t handle it IRL
hugs & kisses
I was trying to figure out if they like. are afraid he's gonna sue them for breach of contract or something if they did get rid of him. (not that it excuses it but yk, I DUNNO HOW THESE THINGS WORK)
depends on contract, their money and how they handle severance