Maybe weird thing to be annoyed about? (the way someone parents)
so, I fully admit that maybe this is normal and I just don't get it because I neither have nor want children
but often when kiddo starts fussing, mam starts doing an exaggerated fake-cry which to me sounds like she's mocking him
and I'm not one of those people who's all 'oh babies understand when someone's being rude/making fun of them' (because he's not even a year old yet, he doesn't have that much understanding yet)
but like... that's not normal, right? That's the kind of thing that turns into 'boys don't cry', right?
yeah that’s not normal, but it might also be a cultural thing? idk
I also admit that it annoys just on a sound level
yeah i’d be super annoyed too
𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤
without going into detail that makes me look like an asshole 1) totally cultural, 2) SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE TO WATCH /grips your hand
𝕚𝕔𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕔𝕖𝕤𝕤
/only, consensually
thx, appreciate
yeah that's weird
Hooded Figure
I could see a mimicking cry being some form of mirroring, where the caretaker acknowledges and validates the child's response to something to realistically titrate it to the situation (in whatever way is age-appropriate), but... it doesn't sound like that's what's going on. :c
Hooded Figure
A baby might be too young to understand sarcasm but babies absolutely understand when a caretaker is deliberately being out of sync with their experience.
yeah, exactly, and I admit that I may be misinterpreting the tone, but today was just booing (like you'd do to a rival sports team) whenever he started up
usually because he'd gotten his walker jammed in the doorway and couldn't move or see her
what the fuck
both the walker and the patenting
it's a small doorway and a bigass tank of a walker, so if he goes through it at even a slight angle, he's gonna get jammed
and those are dangerous as fuck
I mean it's well balanced as far as I can tell
there are however stairs he could take it down if she was even a little distracted (two steps down to the den, it's where grandma broke her hip, actually)
eh, even well balanced are dangerous - steps, babies are freaky strong ANYWAY, etc. stationary ones are fine