sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
already seen people think that the new ttrpg should be 5e compatible............... s igh
make it 4th edition compatible
...I'll see myself out
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
|D that'd be funny
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
(but there was never an open ogl for 4e)
(there was kind of a thing but it wasn't as good and also 4th edition classes were a lot more involved to create, etc etc but yes)
serving count
there's already fan made 5e ff14 conversions if folks want those, just let this be whatever they design it to be!!
I just want the books
I love RPG books, even if the game isn't great
serving count
same I love just reading them lol
sunless sea
wh y
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
im excited for this as well!!!
Catgirl Crimes
I’m excited for this - id just been telling a friend about the 5e fan port too lmao. Also Lampy you caused me psychic damage saying it should be compatible with 4e lmaoooo
I sincerely like 4th edition and will haul it out every chance I get
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
i have never played it but i have seen much to appreciate from it!
The combat is considerably more structured and strategic, the out-of-combat elements are somewhat simplified in comparison, it doesn't feel like 3.5/Pathfinder/5th so people complained
If it has a longer term drawback, it's that it really benefits from having a character generator to help you make your sheets and track shit because there can be a lot going on, and as time goes on the legacy tools just don't work with modern systems.
People might have liked it more if WotC had released it as "Combat and Critters, the grid map RPG for TRUE strategic GAMERS" or something but because it was too eager to change stuff there was a lot of pushback.
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
dnd tactics. :-P
Many Birds
the way it's described feels like maybe there's the potential to fit?
Many Birds
idk idk but ttrpg sounds nice
sʜsʟ ɪᴠᴀʟɪᴄᴇ
ttrpg sounds SO COOL
Many Birds
yeah! wanna try it out '^'
Catgirl Crimes
lol 4e is fine for real, I just have trauma from keeping all the ability and spell cards organized hahaha
Catgirl Crimes
And it felt more combaty to me than RP heavy? Which I feel 5e sort of balanced
Many Birds
ahhh, I understand
Many Birds
right! I wondered if maybe that would suit adapting FF? but I don't know 4e so I appreciate your explaining!
I'm mostly joking about the "use 4th edition!" thing . Like, 99.9% joking.
(and like a lot of its rules were focused on the combat side of things, because a lot of the RP that happens in all D&D is in spite of or alongside the mechanics, but that's getting too far into the weeds of RPG design.)
There's lots of other systems they could have licensed or they came up with something on their own, we shall see
Many Birds
nods... hopefully it’ll be fun!