Izzie Bizzie
new updates available at Izzie’s mainstore in the new releases area
Izzie Bizzie
Izzie’s Zombie sets have been updated for LeLutka Evo X mesh heads and Izzie’s Mouth Corner Concealer sets (regular BOM and Evo X BOM) have been updated to include 30% and 50% opacity levels. The free updates will be available until September 24th (afterwards please send an IM or NC to Izzie Button for a redelivery)
Ara Forte
There are super! Wouldyou ever consider a BOM mummy wrapping?
Izzie Bizzie
Ara Forte : Mari : I never thought about it or tried it, it's a fun idea! completely wrapped or just parts?
Probably a complete wrap? Probably would want to make the head a optional or something. Maybe also clean and dirty (bloody) versions?
Izzie Bizzie
Mari : ok thanks for the suggestion, it's noted!