about quiet luxury and such...
If anything, it's just another prove that:
1. People always trying to imitate other who successful. 'Dress like a job you want' probably kind of like an affirmative suggestion for subconsciousness? An aspiration? However in this case, it is just a mere 'trend style' of poor ppl trying to look like rich ppl*

*rich ppl according to some culture
2. People will always trying to be special, to differ them from these uncultured poor normies lol

Wealth, is not everybody could have. It's a prove of your success... or your parent's, anyway, which almost usually become part of your identity. Because it awesome to be special and to be the prievileged one.
Rich people's 'style' is screaming 'I'm in different, higher, class, from you'. You can't totally copied them unless you have wealth. Silent luxury is a fashion trend to be fake (modern western) rich. Also it part of and looks elegant, soooo...
Honestly I think ppl who content with themselves will not bother to copy a lifestyle fashion trend and will rather choose general theme instead lifestyle (like silent luxury, it's a fashion trend based on lifestyle of the rich). And real rich ppl who content with themselves and have no need to prove their word to strangers
will totally wear whatever they want. Like old men who wear brandless polo shirt and simple khaki short pants but $300,000 watch.... Well they usually fall into silent luxury type tho lol but you know what I mean. It's the.. cough, intention.

◢◤◢◤ on X

QRT terbanyak itu yg mengamini bahwa bawa sesuatu yg bernilai ke orang yang terlatih utk tahu/hidup bergelimpangan itu lebih dinilai baik drpd tidak.

Mungkin ibarat dokter kulit kulitnya harus mulus, begitu ya?

Tapi rasanya,, ga salah tapi kalau jadi norma,, sedih bener dunia. It's not skill issue, it's tools.
Your worth is your money only and only.

Pantesan silent luxury ngetren.

Kemampuan orang menilai orang lain skrg hanya sekedar dari barang superfisial, yang sbtlnya jadi bisnis sendiri jualbeli/pinjam-meminjam di kalangan sosioeko menengah wkwkwkwk
How Designer Brands Keep You Poor

'Designer's items were not sold to rich ppl because the have no need to prove themselves; They're selling conspicious consumption aka selling you costume so you can pretent to be rich'
^ why do neutrals look expensive
asking the real question here lol
Why Luxury Fashion Will NEVER Be Cheap

^ poor ppl mentality lol