Corpse Sniffer
i had a brief moment of horror thinking my insurance vanished, but it looks like its okay??? for nwo, but i have to renew it
Corpse Sniffer
i have no heard back from the one hospital job that i would like to get at this point b/c its the best oppurtunity ive gotten that's not rejected me, and i got like slightly less winded on the stairs today ??
Corpse Sniffer
but im still really full of anxiety at my savings slowly dwindling
Corpse Sniffer
i do have like commissions and stuff for art post i forgot to post here, though idk how much interest that will get b/c i have not gotten too much so far
Corpse Sniffer
also still stuck in wizard mainstory tl hell but at least it gives me something to do
Corpse Sniffer
i have sort of given up on rp at the moment until this stuff settles, and i feel really bad about it b/c i want to get back a nd enjoy it but it just also gives me anxiety when i forget to reply for a week
Corpse Sniffer
hopebuelly i will also remember to use plurp more esp when im not in wizard tl hell
Corpse Sniffer
this chapter is 117 pages long, and its only the first of three i have...
yeah poke at the job